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About ekramona

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  1. Reported to state board

    In your situation I would seek the advice of a lawyer.
  2. Can I be fired for this.

    I doubt you would be fired, they probably just want to review email etiquette or something like that. Don't let it worry you. Good luck!
  3. Coworker rant!

    I've worked with really great teams and I've worked with dysfunctional teams. It is the people, not the shift, that sets the tone. Ive had the amazing experience to work with a group that always works together to get the job done, and has a great tim...
  4. Night shift question

    I found it much easier to work nights when I was in my 20s. Nights and evenings are awesome because the pace is slower and, for the most part, you avoid having to respond to the demands of administration and the other disciplines - plus the different...
  5. There are a lot of options in nursing. If you don't like clinical work you can work in research, informatics, administration, public health... that being said though, it is probably difficult to get into those areas without any hands on professional ...
  6. I just want to point out that I started this thread because I needed advice regarding the logistics of changing my name on my license. The initial post was not an invitation to criticize the actual practice of changing one's name after marriage. Perh...
  7. Is it appropriate to...

    I sat on a committee once for a very small undergraduate scholarship and it would have been very difficult for me to give feedback to anyone except those who actually won. First of all, the names were removed from the applications in order to reduce ...
  8. Feeling sad about my ALS patient

    I just logged on recently after not being here for a while and I had no idea so many of you responded to this post. Thank you so much for your insight and encouragement. I am still caring for this patient and things have leveled out fairly well for a...
  9. Hostile nurses- how do you deal with?

    I've encountered nurses like that and I've found it works best to smile and be all business. It is tempting to respond to their games but it is usually best to keep it as brief as possible. If someone makes an inappropriate comment you can just look ...
  10. I found it well worth the "hassle" to change my name in order to have this traditional expression of commitment to my new family and new life. It really wasn't a hassle at all as a matter of fact, I just filled out a few forms and waited on a few lin...
  11. Thanks to all of you who gave helpful advice. I guess I will change it on my original license just to avoid any confusion. It doesn't seem necessary though since, as many of you pointed out, applications will always ask me for any other names I have ...
  12. I am newly married and have taken my husband's last name. The NYS Office of the Professions offers me the option of having my new name reflected on my original license as well as the registration certificate that is sent to me with each renewal. They...
  13. Feeling sad about my ALS patient

    I'm glad that you can all understand this experience. I try to be as caring as I can, but sometimes I get emotional. I have only been a nurse for a few years and over time I think it will get easier to have a balance. I just hope I don't get burned o...
  14. Feeling sad about my ALS patient

    Vespertinas, You make a very good point and I think you are right. Different staff members click with different patients and each of us is doing the job that God intends.
  15. Working with a nurse who isn't allowed to admin narcotics?

    I think it is really rude of her to ask people to give her narcs without offering to do anything in return. In your position I might just say to her that I am just too busy, unless she can do a dressing or hang an IV for me. Regarding her other restr...