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  1. Do you experience jealousy from friends/family members?

    NOCnewbie, thank you! you actually made me laugh. i am a 53 yr. old male nurse with 10 months experience in LTC. just got my RN in 04/2010. can't get a job due to "no experience" extremely depressed. long story to tell but have to go to sleep so i c...
  2. resveratol

    I am trying "optimized resveratrol" from Life Extension, bought at a local health food store. 60 day supply of 250 mg tabs is about $45. I am 52 years olds and have been a long term care nurse for 10 months. i started back to school to get my RN la...
  3. Advice: Unsure of continuing on to acheive RN

    I am 52 year old male nurse in the south, so don't anyone feel alone because you are old. i just got my lpn license in sept. of ' 08 and have been working in a long term care facility since October of '08. i too am debating whether to go back for my ...
  4. Long-Term Care & The Newly Graduated LPN

    thanks nansea, your advice and support is very encouraging. perhaps, if not a nurse you should be a counselor! i am going to be giving all options ( i used to be in outside sales, landscaping, painting) with much prayer. if i knew how to make people...
  5. Long-Term Care & The Newly Graduated LPN

    Thanks for replying. I am new to this site and could not find your original post again after sunday night. Not sure what i am going to do yet. still working in ltc but getting tired of working "off the clock hours" sometimes have some very gratifyi...
  6. Long-Term Care & The Newly Graduated LPN

    good advice, i am a 52 year old male lpn who just graduated in june of 2009, got my license in sept. and started working in ltc in oct. although there are some rewarding moments it is just about more than i can take emotionally and physically. i am ...