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About Blackbeauty93

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  1. College of New Rochelle Accelerated Program

    Ms. L, I am so sorry to hear that, I thought you were already accepted into the college. I did not know you were waiting. In any event, Teaching is a good Job as well. I have already registered for my Master Degree at Lehman Graduate School in Early ...
  2. College of New Rochelle Accelerated Program

    Hi Everyone, This will be goodbye, I did not get accepted either. They did not give an explaination or inform us on what needed to be corrected, so I have no idea of why I was not accepted. It's okay though, maybe I was too old or like I said they di...
  3. College of New Rochelle Accelerated Program

    Hi Annod81, Thanks for the information on Concordia College in Bronxville. I am more concerned about how I am going to pay for school then I am getting into one. The Masters Program will give me automatic financial aid, but a second BSN is asking for...
  4. College of New Rochelle Accelerated Program

    To all that have been an inspiration in my life on Thank you, Now back to completing my loan application for if I get accepted it will be all taken care of and hopefully I will be able to pay for school.
  5. College of New Rochelle Accelerated Program

    Ms. A, GT, and Ms. L, It's great to see that we all have been communicating and getting along well. I appreciate all the insight and information regarding the college of New Rochelle. If I receive a rejection letter I will apply somewhere else or con...
  6. College of New Rochelle Accelerated Program

    Hi GT, I see you have your classes, that is great. I was also reading what Robert08 said and Ms. A. My goodness that hit home when I read it. To think after reading that about equipment and the carpet I was wondering what was next. So I took Robert08...
  7. College of New Rochelle Accelerated Program

    Hi GT, The skirt and vest is a touch of conservative, with a spice of casual you will be perfect wearing that and even more you will be comfortable. I don't think anything flashy is appropriate. Good luck............
  8. College of New Rochelle Accelerated Program

    Thanks GT, I am not going to worry about it any longer, cause I am still trying to figure out how to get all of this tuition that is requested from us. I have been working on loans etc. etc. I am more worried about that, then the school, but I think ...
  9. College of New Rochelle Accelerated Program

    HEY GT, After you got accepted, which was good news now and when it happened:yeah:I have not heard from anyone else on this board who has been accepted or will be accepted for the Fall 2009. I am still wondering are there future enrollees who are wai...
  10. College of New Rochelle Accelerated Program

    Hi GT, Wow! you found someone on this board I would like to ask a few questions as he said he was attending the individual track at CNR. Hi Robert08, How hard was it to get accepted into the individual track? What are they looking for on transcripts...
  11. College of New Rochelle Accelerated Program

    You can find out by going to there webpage. I'm sure all of your questions will be answered there.:typing
  12. Patient Care Associate?

    Hi, A PCA is totally different from a CNA for one thing, they are allowed to draw blood, prepare the deceased for transport to the hospital morgue, complete input and output data into the computer system, and a lot of other thing a CNA does not do. A...
  13. College of New Rochelle Accelerated Program

    :nurse:You are really lucky.......Your mother is a NP and you have all the help you need with explanations and help with your NCLEX you really don't have anything to worry about. I wish I had that kind of support........anyway, good luck you'll be fi...
  14. CUNY Hunter or Lehman Admission question....

    So you are saying Lehman Sucks............I am so confused with this and that, \ it is all driving me crazy. I have been accepted to lehman for my MA in Special Ed. I then decided to change curriculum and apply for the College of New Rochelle, becaus...
  15. Hi, Is your theory the same for Lehman College. I have been accepted into Lehman College into the Graduates Special Education Program. Would I be able to do the same thing.