

interested in NICU!!

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About Chapis

Chapis specializes in interested in NICU!!.

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  1. Staff Self-scheduling

    We have had different schedules to cover a lot of time that otherwise would be Call. We have more staff now and this is how my OR does it. There are a good number of staff doing 7-3:30, there are others doing 11am-7p, then we have night crew. One RN ...
  2. Need MORE help with a decision! :-)

    if you at least want 6 months experience by november you'll be a month short from meeting that goal. i would have him go first and you could stay for one more month? is that possible?
  3. i'm sorry your husband is not being supportive of you and i'm sorry he showed you the way to the door i would sacrifice now, because the time you are planning on taking off will pass, but the difference will be if you'll have a degree or not. my ...
  4. Feels like a slap in the face...

    i'm going throught the same thing, for the only expection is that i'm still in ns and i've been applying to two hospitals as a nurse tech with no luck at all. i started applying this january. i've only had one interview to which it didn't progress to...
  5. i like them, we all look clean and bright, i'm guessing it's because ours is white top and bottoms with a navy blue jacket. i don't mind it, but i think i would like it better if the pants were blue rather than white,
  6. Calling all Military nurses

    same here, hope you all have a happy & safe memorial holiday
  7. Graduated

    congratulations mi vida loca, it's awesome to see people like you be an rn when two years ago when i became a member of an you were just a student, like me, and to see you be an rn already gives me more energy to keep on trucking. i graduate next ma...
  8. St. Jude Summer Externship 2011

    wow that sounds like fun and alot of learning experience for you, when you get done come back and let us know how it went. i've always wanted to work in a children's hospital
  9. Someone out there, please help!

    In my program, they ask if we're done, then if we say yes, then that's it, if we missed something then that's on us since we said we were already done. Or for the most part, we say, I"m done with assessment. then if I forgot to assess something the i...
  10. Someone out there, please help!

    i don't want to sound harsh, but if it has happen many times, why haven't you said to her that she needs to ask if you're done with your assessment, or wait until you tell her you're done to correctly give you your earned grade? of tell her, i was go...
  11. Real Stories of the ER

    Love that show!!
  12. awesome story! thanks for sharing, you have a good-sweet heart! god bless you, chapis
  13. The waiting is killing me.....

    congrats on getting the job. i would email her your resignation as well as giving one to hr and another one to your nm (mail it in-or something) but make sure she gets it, but if hr has a copy they'll put that in your file and it will be in your reco...
  14. Should I not become a nurse?

    you're still young, and if you're willing to do the hard work only time will tell if you can. but if you want it bad enough, go for it, at least if it doesn't work out you can always say, i gave it all! besh wishes.
  15. you'll be fine, there are quite a few ladies in my program your age and older. keep going and make them proud! wish you well