

progressive care

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About SimoneB

SimoneB specializes in progressive care.

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  1. New Grad June 2015

    I am also from California and just completed my job search. I would recommend applying to new grad programs before graduation. A new grad program will not have a problem with the fact that you don't have your license yet as that is the case for many ...
  2. Urgent -NCLEX ON FRIDAY

    I wasn't saying that the number of questions means she or he passed but I strongly believe that of the people whose test stops at 75 questions, more of those people have passed than failed (granted this is based on anecdotal evidence but evidence fro...
  3. Urgent -NCLEX ON FRIDAY

    It's pretty unlikely you failed in 75 questions. If you were prepared and weren't crying when you left the exam I would try to take a deep breath and stop torturing yourself because you probably passed. If you felt terrible leaving the test maybe you...
  4. Yeah something sounds fishy about this. How well do you know your references? If you are unsure about one in particular I would try to line up an alternate. You just never know what people are saying about you; it's sad but true. I would say this h...
  5. New Grad - ED Resume Critique

    I just wanted to add, as someone who just finished her new grad job search, I would advise you to apply for variety of units and be open to relocating if necessary, depending on how bad the job market is in your area. If you really want ED, you may h...
  6. New grad with a few resume questions and my resume anyway

    1. A cover letter is absolutely necessary; it is just as important as the resume I think because you have a chance to communicate your uniqueness (which as you observed, is hard to do in the resume) 2. You do not need to say you are a new grad in you...
  7. New Grad - Peds Resume Critique

    I would shorten the descriptions of your work and volunteer experiences and add descriptions of what you did in your preceptorship and ICU rotations. I guess you are still in preceptorship so this is hard but this is what managers are interested in. ...
  8. New Grad - ED Resume Critique

    In terms of clinical experience, I think it would be more effective to have descriptions of what you did in the rotations that are most pertinent to ED, namely anything critical care related or higher acuity step-down type units since it seems like y...
  9. BSN New Grad and No Jobs

    You're welcome, happy to help. I haven't accepted yet because I haven't visited (webcam interview) and it is a 2 year commitment so I want to be sure but I am planning a trip there ASAP and the hospital is paying for my travel. I don't have my VA lic...
  10. BSN New Grad and No Jobs

    If you are willing to consider relocating anywhere, I would start looking for new grad residencies in smaller cities in many different states, including the south. I graduated in June in the SF bay where the job market is similarly bad and only start...
  11. UVA RN Clinician 1 - 2014 Graduates

    So I received a call from HR today offering me the position in cardiac progressive care that I interviewed for on Friday! I am in the process of setting up a visit ASAP and apparently it is hospital policy for them to pay for your trip which is nice.
  12. UVA RN Clinician 1 - 2014 Graduates

    Congratulations, best of luck for your interview! Where are you from in CA if you don't mind my asking?
  13. UVA RN Clinician 1 - 2014 Graduates

    Has anyone else interviewed? I'm surprised there aren't more people posting here.
  14. UVA RN Clinician 1 - 2014 Graduates

    I haven't made enough posts yet to PM you but if you PM me your email address I can send you some more information.
  15. UVA RN Clinician 1 - 2014 Graduates

    Congratulations! Cool to hear there is someone else coming from CA. What unit will you be working on? Did you visit UVA? If so what was your impression? Also do you know what the start date is? And have you seen the contract yet? Is there a financial...