Stephanie in FL

Stephanie in FL

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About Stephanie in FL

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  1. Difference between humalog,humulin,etc.

    Humulin and Novolin are brand names-2 different makers of insulin. You have probably seen Humulin R and Humalog-2 different insulins-Humalog works faster than Humulin R. Both are clear in color. From the other company is Novolin R and Novolog (plus o...
  2. Help, advice needed!!!!!

    I was taught in nursing school that you need an MD order for ice (or heat). Stephanie in FL
  3. I don't think I understand pain management.

  4. How many hours can you work in Nursing School?

    Since you have your pre-reqs, it would be a shame if you had to postpone nursing school. Can you get a student loan? You don't have to start paying it off until 6 mos. after graduation. Or, even better, do you qualify for any grants? Have you looked ...
  5. I don't think I understand pain management.

    Lisa, Good for you for speaking up to try to help your patients that are in pain. We need nore nursing students/nurses like you. I don't agree with either nurse or the instructor in the situations above. I also wanted to tell you about my experience...
  6. BSN clinicals

    My BSN program also had clinicals in all 5 semesters. This was in Florida. Stephanie RN
  7. A waitress?!?!?

    The waitress didn't change the policy; the owner did. Stephanie RN
  8. Can't go with family on vacation. Is it worth it?!

    I would be upset in this circumstance also. But many things could change before this vacation time comes around. Who knows if the nurses who have this week off will even be working at your hospital at that time. Who knows if anyone in your family wil...
  9. advice on nursing school please

    I'm an RN, not in OB, but I had a few thoughts. What about becoming a CNA? Do L&D or postpartum hire CNAs? I saw on the Discovery Health Channel how some hospitals use doulas (volunteers who are with women in labor). I don't know which hospitals ...
  10. Can you pay the bills on your nursing salary?

    In my 16 years as a nurse, I have always been able to pay my bills. I am single with no children. I own a condo and own my car outright. I have never had credit card debt. Plus, I have retirement savings. Stephanie RN
  11. Diabetic in the public

    I am a CDE. If a person is conscious and is hypoglycemic, do not give candy with chocolate in it. Chocolate has fat, which slows down the rise of sugar in the bloodstream. Here is a link which I think will be helpful to you:
  12. Nursing School Situation, Does this Sound Right?

    That sounds like discrimination to me. I think this woman should contact an attorney. Anyone with a disability is protected under the Americans with Disability Act. Stephanie RN
  13. Flu Shot: Does It Help You?

    I have gotten the flu shot the last several years. I have never had a reaction to the flu shot NOR have gotten the flu since then. It is recommended that health care professionals get the flu vaccine. Many people each year die of the flu. Stephanie R...
  14. Sweetielin, Has your dad checked with his MD to find out what he recommends for his blood glucose goals? If not, I would advise that your dad ask the MD and follow his recommendation. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommendations for blood ...
  15. difficult nurse and ways to boost morale

    What about doing something nice for your nurses for one or more of the holidays coming up (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas)? Something like a party or potluck or you could do small gifts for them at Christmas. Stephanie RN