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About 1Grateful1

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  1. Nursing Behind the Wall

    1st I want to apologize because I'm one that always ask WHY? When a fellow nurse says they want to wk in corrections & I thank you & love this article it opened my eyes.
  2. LTC 101: What To Expect

    I LOVE, LOVE this . I'm a LTC Nurse started out as an STNA for 19yrs, Nurse for 6yrs I could not have said it any better. Kudos to you
  3. I am a LPN in LTC, I was a STNA for 19yrs, LTC is hard work but I wouldn't trade it for the hospital (nothing against hospital nurses). I have 31 pts with 3 STNAs, some are confused, some alert, they love you like family, they miss you when you have ...
  4. Pre nursing vs nursing which one is more difficult?

    The nursing program is tough..pre nursing much easier..keep in mind if others can do it you can to..good luck to you.
  5. "LPNs should be done away with altogether"

    Everyone is not suppose to be a Dr., a Lawyer, Engineer, Pilot, RN.I am a LPN of 16 mths., I am the supervisor on the 3-11 shift in a LTC/Rehab with 110 pts.I have 24 skilled pts. I am responsible for, also three other units that I have to supervise ...
  6. Midline IV

    Hello Everyone, I am new to allnurses and I am also a new nurse of 6 mths., I'm IV certfied but I have never heard of the midline IV. The nursing home I work at receive pts. with the midline and I'm not sure what I'm allowed to do with them. When I w...