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  1. Greenville Tech students

    As a student who just started the clinical part of the program this past January I can tell you to hold on tight and enjoy the ride. The five week classes go very fast. For the first fifteen weeks you'll have three main tests. Fail one and your looki...
  2. No RN Jobs Anywhere....Help!!

    I should be starting clinicals next spring at Gvl Tech. Did you have a CNA job or any other job in the area? I know from others that the job market is tough here but just one question. I everyone who graduated last Dec having just as hard of a time...
  3. Does any one know the answer to this??

    One more point. Just like eating snow it takes energy to melt the snow in your mouth leading to very little hydration. Milkshakes being thicker, frozen drinks may take extra energy to process from the time it hits your mouth than lemonaid that is pr...
  4. Does any one know the answer to this??

    I guess I'm going against the grain here. The question says on a HOT day I would think they are trying to imply that the purpose of the drink is primarily to keep from becoming dehydrated. So my guess would be the Lemon-aid. It has more calories th...
  5. Looking to move to SC from Boston

    Remember that smaller cities have fewer hospitals. I know students who have graduated and are being told no one is hiring in the Gville area. Now they are new grads and that is a problem everywhere now but the Gville/Spartanburg area has around 6 nu...
  6. New Grad - Offering to Work for Minimum Wage?

    It is amazing that so many people agree with this crazy idea. What we see now is all the no new grads, at least one year experience. What do you think we would see if everyone was willing to work a year for min wage? We would find that hospitals w...
  7. Greenville Tech students

    Tips, keep up with the grades. Looks like the points to get into the programs hit a record high this semester. 31 minimum for the LPN and 52 for the RN program is what i heard. That makes graded the number one priority.
  8. Is this school worht it???

    Also keep in mind that a lot of these so called colleges do not have transfer agreements with other schools. This means when or if you wish to pursue your degree further none of your credits transfer to a major university, leaving you paying back lot...
  9. New Grad - Offering to Work for Minimum Wage?

    I think you have to remember what you are selling: Yourself. Every time you send out a resume, you are trying to sell yourself, your skills and your training. First rule of business is never undervalue your product. Keep filling out applications,...
  10. Which matters more, school name or degree?

    If you take a minute and read the employment opportunities available right now I think you would find that a large majority say something like (Check out Minimum one to two years experience required, Bachelors preferred. Experience requ...
  11. Knowing that you have been offered a job in LTC, than why not take the clinic job for now and keep applying for the hospital positions you are looking for. Remember that with the experience you gain working at the clinic you would also make you more...
  12. I did the same thing. I took 2 classes this summer working 40hrs a week. Math 101 and CPT (computers). I scored a 101 percent in Math 101 and a 97 in CPT and that was all after being out of school for 16 years. This semester Bio 210, English 101, ...
  13. Greenville Tech students

    I am taking Bio 210 this semester. Any tips. Anyone know anything about my professor Lalin, Gautier?
  14. Greenville Tech students

    I am ready. I'm taking Bio 210 in fall also. Right now Im taking my CPT and Math 101. I decided to take 101 as a way to start applying early by completing my LPN requirements so that I can apply for the LPN program while I am finishing up the pre...
  15. Is the job market better for paramedics then for nurses?

    I would say take a look at the classes you'll need to take in both bridge programs. I know there is a bridge program here for both but those who choose the medic first still end up taking a lot of the same classes that they would of already taken in...