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About snowboardergirl123

snowboardergirl123 has 2 years experience.

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  1. Backbiting

    I totally disagree with the previous post. Venting IS gossip. Nursing is an incredibly unprofessional "profession."
  2. "What's with all the men in the NICU lately?"

    My daughter born at 25 weeks was in the NICU for 3 months. I really liked the male nurses there, and didn't think it was weird at all. I think mens' different perspective is an asset to any specialty in nursing.
  3. Moving to Utah

    St Marks Hospital in the Salt Lake/Holladay area is a great place to work. I probably never would of left had I not needed to move out of state.
  4. Impossible for find a job for a new RN

    If I were you, I would determine which hospital I want to work at and apply for a Tech position. That might help your chances. If lack of health care experience is what is holding you back, you might as well dive right in and get some. Best of luc...
  5. HELP!!!

    Pick a job that you enjoy that fits with your work schedule. I think PT aide would be great experience for nursing!