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About Jennifer10341

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  1. Cypress College Point System for ADN acceptance

    You're too funny. My email is [email protected]. Can you send me an address or should I just contact you here? I'm in Physiology right now and will apply in the fall. Your info would be valued beyond belief. FAIR is all I ask and I kno...
  2. Cypress College Point System for ADN acceptance

    Thanks so much for the detail. That really sets my heart at ease. I've heard that Cypress is top notch. I've also heard that it's very demanding and the instructors are always on you. Will I at least have enough time to sleep?
  3. I'm trying to find out how Cypress College grades their candidates for their ADN program. If I have taken the general ed classes and passes with a B or better and have an A in Anatomy, Micro, and Physiology, then am I an automatic shoe-in? I unders...