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About grapejuice01

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  1. Time to move on?

    Thanks all... I pretty much have the same opinion but feel bad because everyone here is so great. I hate to let them down by leaving but, ultimately, it is a business and I have to do what is best for me and my family. Its unfortunate that the number...
  2. Time to move on?

    I am a FNP working in primary care. Graduated May 2013 and have been at the current job for 1 year. It is a good job with good doctors who are willing to answer questions and give me as much autonomy as I wish to have (I realize that this is sometime...
  3. Changes in bonus structure

    I am an FNP working with a base salary plus bonus potential. Basically, if I see >300 patients per month, I earn 17% of my net income for the practice. My company is changing the bonus structure, however, to a work RVU model (which has not yet bee...
  4. Has anyone taken the HESI FNP exam?

    Im taking the FNP HESI in a week and I purchased the Leik book but was very disappointed. Its riddled with incorrect information, incorrect answers in the test questions, grammatical/spelling errors, incorrect drug brand/generic name combos, etc. I h...
  5. ER: Parkland vs Baylor

    I am an ER nurse looking to make a move to a trauma center. Currently considering Parkland and BUMC but wanting to hear positives and negatives (not just rumors... which seems to be all Ive heard lately) from those who actually have experience in the...
  6. Transplant Coordinator

    Im in the process of interviewing for lung transplant coordinator (pre or post... whichever they feel that I fit better in). Ive already completed the interview with the director and I am scheduled to shadow a coordinator in clinic and in the office ...
  7. What is so boring about NP school?

    Im currently in an FNP program and am considering CRNA... Im in my third semester and I cannot wait to be done. I have been working as an ER nurse for three years and have found that much of the information that we cover I am already familiar with be...
  8. How many CRNA's out there that didn't picture themselves in the field?

    Deb- Did you complete NP school prior to beginning the CRNA program? I am in my third semester of the FNP program at TWU-Dallas. Frankly, its not a challenge for me. It feels like a lot of busy work and Im already bored. I started looking into CRNA a...
  9. FNP student applying as "non-degree seeking"??

    The hospital I currently work for will be paying for my tuition, but I didnt think about that being an issue... thanks for making that point!! Ill be calling HR to look into that.
  10. I am applying to the FNP program at TWU in Dallas. Originally I was intending to begin in Spring 2009, but I recently decided that I would try to get in for Fall 2008 if possible. My application was submitted two months prior to the Fall deadline, s...
  11. Ruptured ear drum

    So my eardrum ruptured. It started hurting at 0630 Wednesday and by 1030 it ruptured... never knew it could happen THAT fast! Anyways, Im not looking for medical advice (I know there isnt much to do but let it heal)... just want to know how long th...
  12. Need info from ER RNs for RN-BSN paper

    We have a team of 2-3 social workers who are in the dept from 7a to about 2 or 3a to assist families, keep them updated, etc. If its after 3a and we dont have a social worker available, usually it will be the clinical coordinator or the charge nurse...
  13. How to Calculate Mixed Insulin (70/30)

    I agree... Sounds to me like its one of those tricky nursing school questions which makes you think WAY harder than you need to... I would have answered 12units of the 70/30 NPH, 0 units regular
  14. Dress code

    If you're already wearing whatever you want to, though, pts cant really identify you from any other staff member now, can they? We've always had dress codes... royal blue for nurses (RNs and LVNs), teal green for PCTs, teal with black pants for RT, m...
  15. HELP !!! ! accidental arterial stick

    I would think that as long as you held pressure until bleeding stopped, made sure circulation was still intact and made the doctor aware/documented, no real harm was done. In our ED, the radial artery is usually the first place RT sticks for ABGs an...