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About jeslynhatRN

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  1. SunshineBaby, you wouldn't happen to be in Brevard County would you? I spoke from someone there the other day about the school clinic nurse positions available (as I am interested in public/community health - Just graduated in May, got a job on a med...
  2. Changed my schedule 3 days before I work it...

    Thank you all for the advice... Seeing as how I am working tomorrow night and so us she, I think I'll bring it up to her then. I hope everything works out so as not to make anyone upset about it. Thanks again! I'll let you know the verdict!
  3. tears and more tears

    I know how you feel... totally. Tomorrow night I start off on my own after close to 3 months of precepting. For the past week, I have been so teary and depressed and I constantly am telling myself, "I've picked the wrong field... I am so stupid, why ...
  4. Changed my schedule 3 days before I work it...

    Yes, it's supposed to be 2 weeks... :/
  5. I'm a new nurse, just finished precepting and will begin my first solo night on Tuesday. When I asked last month about being able to still have the same schedule as my preceptor so that I could have a go to person, I was told that it was fine by the ...
  6. I'm a new nurse, just finished precepting and will begin my first solo night on Tuesday. When I asked last month about being able to still have the same schedule as my preceptor so that I could have a go to person, I was told that it was fine by the ...
  7. Support Stickie for New nurses who are not coping

    I graduated from nursing school in May, got a job at a hospital in July and am almost done with my precepting. My preceptor is really great, she's the same age as I am but has been a nurse for 5 years. I am so depressed working! I feel like crying be...