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  1. Anyone go to Laboure College?

    no you can't do it in 2 years there unless you have your a&p's done and they accept them....which is pretty unlikely i think. even then i would think it would be very overwhelming to do it all in 2 years. i feel like i'm overwhelmed at times an...
  2. Anyone go to Laboure College?

    full time, however i started off part time taking gen eds very slowly, one or two at a time in 2007. they never sprung any extra's on me or anything like others have said on here. i'm a mom and i work so it took me a while to get the handle on doin...
  3. Anyone go to Laboure College?

    it's true they are more expensive than most. there's no arguing that, hands down your right, it's much more expensive. however i have to say as a student there i have never once experienced or noticed a staffing issue or admin issue that has effect...
  4. Nursing student taking drugs

    i'd only report it if i saw it effecting their patients. if i could tell it was impairing the nurses skills. some people i know smoke pot and have faster reflexes than i do! lol. so it would depend on it's effect on them and if it intefered with ...
  5. Anyone go to Laboure College?

    i am currently in the nursing program at laboure, i think it's very difficult and very expensive but i also think that's what nursing school is! it's true they go very fast and don't care about your home life, but i feel like thats normal. i think ...