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About kana581

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  1. Alright, so I have made to my first semester in Nursing School (YAY!) and well now I am a bit over whelmed with all the material I was wondering if anyone has any good tips on surviving my first semester? Also if anyone has tips on organization, beca...
  2. Twu Fall 2009 Applicants

    Thanks Rha_hea and nursetobe, I was actually told about the A2, not too long ago, though they did not go into detail about what the would be looking for in the scores. I'm just becoming very overwhelmed, and school just started. It's so hard, cause I...
  3. You know what I don't understand?

    As far as saying it is boring (at least at the time), I must admit that I am guilty. Though the reason I said it, was not because I find the human body boring, but because I spent so much time reading a text book and studying, and then I arrived to ...
  4. Twu Fall 2009 Applicants

    Hi nursetobe sorry, it has taken me a while to reply I was having trouble logging in. Thank you so much for offering help in Patho, but I am not retaking the class at least not this semester. I am retaking micro because I had a C in the class (lectur...
  5. Twu Fall 2009 Applicants

    In patho I feel like I study so much and get no where, I understand a lot of the material, but I just can't seem to pass the test. I mean I record the lectures, I re-listen to them, I rewrite my notes, I look up stuff. I didn't drop the class cause ...
  6. Twu Fall 2009 Applicants

    Oh my goodness I know this may sound odd, but I am glad to know I am not the only person that got rejected (I really did feel like I was the only one) for the Spring 09 at TWU, I have to retake patho next semester and well I NEED to pass it.
  7. Patho

    So I am pretty sure I am going to fail my patho class with a D, I have already signed up for it again next semester but it will be my last shot at it. I got a rejection letter from nursing school and well it sucked the life out of me. If I fail my Pa...