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  1. Is Med/Surg necessary if I'm going for my CRNA?

    Yes, as far as CRNA school goes. But it's only worth it if the icu is a good fit. Is the acuity level sufficiently high? Does it have a good orientation program? Are the nurses there going to be welcoming and supportive or will they be scornful an...

    No, you don't have to retake, especially not if you scored well. In fact, I submitted scores that were 6 or 7 years old and the schools didn't care. They were unofficial copies, because GRE won't send them after 5 years
  3. Should I Worry About Future of CRNAs?

    My outlook is (i repeat) to find something you love and let the rest take care of itself. Your OP is primarily concerned with the job market and (again i repeat) that is perfectly valid. What i didn't understand is how a family history of MH would...
  4. Should I Worry About Future of CRNAs?

    Malignant Hyperthermia has very little to do with anesthesia practice, it is just one of the many adverse reactions that people can have to anesthesia and a very rare one at that. It would make more sense to me for you to come out and say that you'r...
  5. AA student contemplating CRNA track...advice?

    I wouldn't pursue a profession with such limited options. I'd suggest either going the CRNA route, but only if you want to be a nurse first. Or going the MD route but only if you want to be a doctor and all that that entails. Both nursing and medi...
  6. Shadowed a CRNA? How did it go?

    I wasn't asked for documentation, but I was asked to relate my experiences including names of people I shadowed. Because the "the anesthesia community is small" they could easily discern my truthfulness without having to actually check and there's n...
  7. Advice for less than 3.0 GPA

    If you are truly limit to a certain location, the best bet is to get advice specific to the schools in your area. Contact the schools, get an official response and ask to speak to alumni More generally, even if you had a 4.0 from 1991, AdCom's would...
  8. LSU SRNA sues over hazing

    LSU nursing student sues over hazing incident involving instructor 3/4/2011 11:00 AM By Michelle Massey A nurse anesthetist student has filed a federal lawsuit against Louisiana State University for allegedly allowing hazing of students. John ...
  9. CRNA Threat

    That rule might just apply to competing CRNA sites
  10. J.O.B.S. in Denver, CO

    Doesn't sound to me like fancypants is a CRNA, likely unaware of where she is posting, apologies if I'm wrong I don't know anything first hand about the CO market, but am told that it at least was unfriendly to CRNAs, hopefully that will change as th...
  11. career coach

    Bring it to a college or universities writing center or career center. Especially if it's a public institution, they'll likely see you regardless and often have walk in hours
  12. Help with differences in CRNA education

    There is a very wide variety of program types and structure. It will serve you well to research thoroughly, but far and away the most important factor is the quality of the clinical experience both in terms of the cases you will do (number and kind)...
  13. Possible future CRNA with no swan experience?

    Ditto on Air Force RN But you will need to know the hemodynamics involved, what is being measured and why, regardless of the monitoring method. So study up.
  14. radiation exposure

    what dosimeters? this hole of a hospital stopped using them
  15. radiation exposure

    And the X-Ray techs are also cavalier about whether I wear an apron or not in that they are p*&s Poor about warning you, providing gear, etc I've complained, but will have little impact ... small hospital, entrenched ways ... would not have been ...