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About lucky.2.b.alive

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  1. How to forgive and forget? Also, met with BON today...

    You are so wrong! S(he) was impaired! His or her friend did her a favor.
  2. Got a job!!!

    That is so great. Don't worry about the clothes uless you plan on being a model. FIRST THINGS FIRST!! Recovery first, job second. Everything else second for at least...the rest of your life.
  3. Need advice?

    We all are!
  4. Need advice?

    I went to nursing school with a felony on my record. I was able to secure a license by: Doing my program in AA (lots of service) Following the application process to the letter.(Us addicts have a tendency to go to the "lie" first) Putting First Thing...
  5. Re: Wubbzy

    Institutions are part of our stories. I hope to read or hear that story at a conference! All the best!
  6. stuck in a rut

    Contact a Labor Attorney. They have to adhere to their own policies. They are playing on your shame. If you had diabetes would you be ashamed?
  7. I need help and a have a few questions...

    Live up to everything, including the DEA. Yes they could come knocking on your door. You don't know who feels betrayed by your actions. Just when you think you have your life back in order, you get that knock on the door. Shame on your facility for N...