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  1. Any NP applicants?

    Hopefully soon....
  2. Any NP applicants?

    I applied to UTA, I know the deadline isn't until June 1. I was just hoping to hear something before then.
  3. Any NP applicants?

    Anyone applying or has already applied for NP school this fall? If you've already applied, did you hear anything yet? :redpinkhe I hate the waiting....
  4. Can anyone help me out?

    Parkland-Dallas, TX
  5. Financial Aid Letter - Vanderbilt

    Has anyone had any news lately? I applied very late to the Acute Care program, but am going to stay hopeful!
  6. CRNA's in Dallas

    I relocated from Michigan after graduation with my BSN. I did not have a hard time finding work at all. If I were you, I would start trying to transfer your license and depending on where you are moving in the DFW area apply for jobs close to where y...
  7. Need help in relocating to dallas

    Hi Amsvj- I am also from Michigan and just relocated to the Dallas area! Baylor University Medical Center is a huge teaching hospital and is located downtown Dallas. As for where to live, it depends on how far you are willing to drive and how much yo...
  8. New Jurisprudence Exam

    I took the exam, but I passed it the first time so I'm not sure if it would be the same questions. When you take the exam you are allowed to still browse the BON website, as well as google. I just made the best of my resources and hoped for the best!...
  9. New Jurisprudence Exam

    I took the the exam last week and I didn't think it was bad. It only took me about 30-45 minutes to take the exam and you are allowed to search in a different window. So for anyone who still needs to take this, give it a try! :)
  10. Plano Nurses....

    There are many nice suburbs in the DFW area, just do some research and keep your options open. Between Dallas and Ft. Worth there are numerous hospitals to look into.
  11. Baylor Hospital

    nursemama12- I've applied to Parkland as well, and I have heard good things about both Baylor and Parkland so I am interested in both. What about you?
  12. PDA help

    I have a palm with the nursing central program. It has helped with school as well as clinical, so I can see it helping in the future once I get a job. The drug guide is very helpful. I can't remember which model I have but it was a wireless card alre...
  13. Baylor Hospital

    I came from out of town as well and I am surprised we haven't heard anything yet. I thought everyone was nice and welcoming, and they made arrangements for me to go tour the units that day. I thought it sounded promising, but still haven't heard anyt...
  14. Baylor Hospital

    I also had my phone interview prior to the career fair, went to the ICU tables at the career fair (which I felt they asked the same questions I was asked on the phone interview), and they arranged for me to go right over to the hospital to tour the u...
  15. Baylor Hospital

    Yes I will be moving to Texas either way, I am hoping to find a job prior to moving down though. You sound very excited to be moving back to the Dallas area. We both are graduating in December, so hopefully things will work out for both of us. Who kn...