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About tagevans

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  1. RN Program at Chatt college in Marietta

    I just applied to the school and was accepted there to do my Pre-req's for the ADN program. The expected start date is fall '09 or spr. '10. I was also accepted to Clayton State, but unsure which one I am going to attend.
  2. Recent Clayton State Applicants

    I recently applied there and i also think that the $40.00 orientation fee is stupid, but hey......... I also applied to Chattahoochee Tech for their new ADN program starting in fall '09. I need all pre-req's but am kind of leary of Chattahoochee si...
  3. Chattahoochee Tech

    I needed to take the pre-req's so I am starting in January. If u have all the pre req's out of the way then that may be different, but definately give them a call.
  4. Chattahoochee Tech

    Hello All, I just enrolled to Chattahoochee and they have the pre-req's outlined for the ADN program and they say that the actual program will start fall 09 or winter 2010.
  5. Financial aid and student loans???

    OK now I see....Thanks
  6. Financial aid and student loans???

    So there is a post amount before you can pm?
  7. Financial aid and student loans???

    I have more questions about loan, but can't PM u back. Do you have an email or can i send u mine?
  8. Financial aid and student loans???

    Thanks a lot!!!!
  9. Financial aid and student loans???

    Where do yu apply for the loan?
  10. Financial aid and student loans???

    I would would appreciate info or help as well. Thanks
  11. Financial aid and student loans???

    Where did u apply for your loans? I need help as well or i wont be able to attend achool.
  12. How to find place that pay for schooling?

    Do you have to be in the actual Nursing program for them to pay or can you be doing your pre-req's?
  13. Info needed on schools

    I am going to be enrolling in school this spring. But my question is what school would you all recommend for my pre-req's, because I need them all? I was considering the ADN program that is starting at Chattahoochee Tech in Jan. '10, but am afraid t...
  14. Older student with ???

    Jsksmon, Just a quick question, but why are you not going for your BSN?? I have really been torn between BSN and ADN. ADN 3 years vs BSN 4 years. What is the thing that made you choose one over the other?
  15. Older student with ???

    Seaspray, Thank you for the words of encouragement!! I am really stressing right now. Sometimes I just dont see how I am gonna make it with work, home, school and just everyday life. I now find out today that I may miss the Fin Aid deadline and can'...