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About pittnurse09

pittnurse09 has 2 years experience and specializes in ICU.

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  1. 2 yrs experience, now what?

    i am a nurse that is coming up fast on two years of icu experience, unsure of what to do with my life, during school i was set on crna, but now unsure of if this is what i want to do for the rest of my life, some other thoughts have been traveling, g...
  2. ICU Decision/Help!

    already called them and expressed great interest in working for them and seeing if they could move up my interview date...unfortunately they could not as it did not fit in with the nurse managers schedule
  3. i'm still having trouble
  4. ICU Decision/Help!

    I'm a new grad that recently completed the BSN program at U of Pitt...i applied for an ICU position at a hospital in baltimore and a step down position at a hospital in pittsburgh. i recently just got granted an interview for the icu position at the ...