PACU, Med/Surg, Ortho/Neuro

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About PACU'er

PACU'er has 5 years experience and specializes in PACU, Med/Surg, Ortho/Neuro.

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  1. You don't sound like you are in a safe situation, with being by yourself. You should have at least one other nurse with you, according to ASPAN standards, not to mention patient safety (and yours). Besides coding, what if the patient woke up with eme...
  2. Family Visitation in the PACU

    Mama d, I know it is frustrating (from personal experience) to wait and not see family in the recovery room. We try to get family in as soon as we can, especially with kids. Sometimes the patient wakes (or doesn't wake) with issues. Family can either...
  3. Family Visitation in the PACU

    Hey PACUJennifer, I agree with your post. The decision for family visits are up to the nurse. The doctor sometimes tells the family that they will be able to visit in a specified time, and when that doesn't happen, they get upset. I tell them that th...
  4. DISCHARGE from PACU? Who does this?

    We discharge patients at all hours. If it's late then the phase 1 nurse is the one who discharges. We interchange as phase 1 and phase 2 nurses.
  5. Check for Bowel Sounds?

    It drives me crazy when my report is interrupted with questions. I'll say something like "if you will allow me to continue, I will probably answer your questions". It also drives me crazy when the staff nurse asks if the patient has bowel sounds--uh...
  6. floating

    I work in a Phoenix area hospital, and we do not float our PACU staff. It is never a concern (thankfully) for us. We sometimes have qualified resource staff come to us, but we never go anywhere else. The only thing that would be close, is when a PACU...
  7. PACU RN requirements

    I came from a Med/Surg background (not ICU) and have worked in PACU for 2 years. In fact, we have many nurses that have the same background. Those who weren't capable enough, were weeded out. We have so many excellent PACU nurses in our unit, I am so...
  8. New Pacu Nurse

    Well, I wonder how things are going, it's been a month since your last post. We also introduced computer charting and EMAR to our unit. It was quite a transition, and I am fluent with it. However, it does take more time to chart than with paper chart...
  9. Post op Pedicatric transports without an RN

    Here in Az, all peds patients are transported with at least one RN.
  10. Weclome to the New PACU Nursing Forum

    I'm with you on the treatment part. Sometimes we are treated like step-children. We are a critical care area that keeps people alive. I find it interesting that some ICU nurses (FYI: I love and respect ICU nurses) don't feel we measure up until a pat...
  11. failed the NCLEX twice and feeling like a failure :(

    I am so sorry that you had to experience such dissapointment after all of your hard work. Don't let it get you down (I know, it's hard to do). What me and my classmates did was to study up until a couple of days before the test and then put the books...
  12. Where is the "nursing shortage" still going strong?

    I live in the Phoenix, Arizona area and couldn't agree with the fellow Arizonians more! There are jobs aplenty here. There are also new hospitals being built, so those will also need to be staffed.
  13. Where to move after graduation

    Well, I am out here in Phoenix, Arizona. There are so many opportunities in the hospitals and medical places, that are just waiting for applicants. This doesn't include the facilities that are in the process of being built. The "suburbs" are combined...
  14. where should I start????

    I think it depends on where you want to go. I have never been interested in pediatrics (although I think kids are great), so I never pursued that type of nursing. I started in Med/Surg because I believed that it would offer me a strong foundation. In...
  15. Quitting after 6 weeks of orientation.

    I remember as a kid, the painful growth spurts I had to endure. I would hurt straight down into the core of my bones. At the time, I didn't realize the significance of the growth spurt upon my future development. Sometimes, it is the same with nursin...