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About chunkymonkey33

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  1. Wishing to work in California, from another state

    I'm learning a lot about this subject, but I'm not am expert. From what I understand, CA will only let you sit for the boards if your education matches their requirements. If you are going to Excelsior, they will not approve your application. I've co...
  2. Wishing to work in California, from another state

    I've read that CA does not accept Excelsior due to lack of clinical hours. Is there work exerience you can get with your LVN license or that out of state RN license that will complete that need. I've contacted the board in CA and seems no one wants t...
  3. Wishing to work in California, from another state

    On a related note... Has any Excelsior graduates applied for endorsement in CA and had any problems? I've heard CA can reject your endorsement application based on the fact they don't accept Excelsior.