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About tma0312

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  1. Can you help me??

    I work at a hospital about 40 mins outside of Boston and with two years experience I am making $31/hr. When I first moved to Mass and was trying for positions with a couple of agencies, I was looking at making around $40/hr plus a per diem pay for th...
  2. I agree with it being female dominated and having less respect as a profession. I mean, just look at the name "nursing." I don't know what pops into your head, but to me, it is a distinctly female activity. I wish I had a different title than nurse ...
  3. UNC nursing experience

    I'm so glad you loved it! I worked at UNC and I miss it sooooooooo much! Awesome awesome hospital.
  4. Wash scrubs with regular laundry?

    The heat from the dryer will kill some bacteria and germs, so I don't worry about it. I'm not really a germophobe, either, though.
  5. 3-11 shift on telemetry

    I was told at my job that "3-11 is the worst shift!" mainly for the same reasons posted by the first two posters; however, I have found it to be not the case. Our ratio is 1:3 ( we are stepdown) so the most admissions I can get is three. Not too shab...

    We are required every other weekend; however, I am the newest one and never seem to get scheduled weekends. Alot of the other nurses who have been there like their weekend shift differential and we are also staffed by Baylor nurses who only work week...
  7. Another stupid Dansko thread

    Took me about a week to break them in and it was hell. Since then, no problems whatsoever! I love mine! I should have done what Wooh said about not wearing them two shifts in a row. Makes total sense!
  8. Funniest Things Doctors say!

    I had a doc chart once, "Pt complained his chest started hurting Sunday evening while watching football game. It must have been pre-season football as the NFL or college season has not yet begun." very good assessment, doctor.
  9. Night shift -- can you just take it easy, please?

    I completely agree with OP! At my last job, I did half days, half nights every 6 weeks. Day shift was insanely busy and totally exhausting. Night shift was, well, easy as pie, even when the staffing wasn't great! And those night shift nurses were soo...
  10. Who else love's their 12's?!

    But, getting to the point of your post, when I worked 12's, I didn't do much on my days off. I was too unmotivated! Now I've been doing alot of gardening! And lots of little projects around the house! And alot more traveling to visit people on my we...
  11. Who else love's their 12's?!

    I thought 12's were great! Until I moved and got a job only working 8hour shifts, and boy does time FLY by now! I no longer dread going into work because I am so incredibly exhausted after working 13hours the day before. I can now function on my days...
  12. baby friendly questions

    I think most mothers understand that they will be taking care of their baby 24/7 when they go home, but night of getting a break after giving birth? Is that such a crime? Will the baby be detrimentally affected by this for the rest o...
  13. Falls prevention

    I bed alarm everyone UNLESS I am 100% positive that they have no problems walking and are not tethered to a monitor / IV pole and are not taking narcotics. I also get bedside commodes for the ones who need quick access. I always give people gentle re...
  14. Move to Mass.?

    I would also recommend calling HR and reminding them of your application. It helped me get a few call backs. Alot of HR's are swamped with applications, so do what you can to get your name in their minds rather than on just a piece of paper!
  15. Move to Mass.?

    took me about 5 months to get a job and it was not even full time :) but there was always opportunities to pick up shifts. I had 2 years experience and put out over 30 applications. I ended up moving before I got a job because I was moving regardless...