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About mickey56

mickey56 specializes in icu.

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  1. Quit after 2 days

    Yes, you are right. No matter where you go, it is not going to be hard. That is why you need support from your management and fellow workers. The problem which the facility that I left, they pretend there is no issues. You have to suck up everything....
  2. Quit after 2 days

    I had been a critical nurse for 29 years and recently retired because of burnt out . I landed a acute rehab ? job. At the interview, DON painted a beautiful picture, she said most of the patients are mobile and only staying at the facility for 2 week...
  3. I hate nursing

    Hey, Like any other jobs, nursing has its ups and downs. You don't feel it till you are in it. It is rewarding to see someone at the brink of death recover and live a normal life. Or sometimes you feel totally degraded , because you are trained to ca...
  4. Question About Orientation

    If you feel uncomfortable to beon your own, you should ask for an extension. It is better to correct the problem earlier than too wait too long. As for the aide you shawdow with, you can tell the DON to switch to a different preceptor by citing perso...
  5. Got my evaluation today...

    90 min of evalu is a bit long. I have been a nurse for 24 years, so far I haven't gota bad one. But I think we do not support each other and nurses tend to kill each other. Instead of confront each other, we tend to do attack on the back. Those peopl...
  6. MRSA exposure???

    In this case, I would definitely file an incident report. Sometimes, the infection would not show up a few days later and you protect yourself. It happened to me before, the vent tubing pop off and water splashed to my eyes. I did not filed incident ...
  7. BP 50's/30's left arm, 130's/60's right arm--?

    Hello, If thsi patient is stable, assess the limb for any abnormalites, such as edema, absence of pulse. Then ask the pt if he has any sx or trauma to the side. Big pulse difference may be due to radial harvest, thrombosis, occlusion or more serious ...
  8. What makes a good ICU nurse??

    I have been working in ICU for 22 years and I still enjoy the challenge of critical care. You need to be an active learner and critical thinker. Think outside the box, things are not always black or white. There are lots of grey areas. Be a patient...
  9. New grad, what to do before I start work

    Congrats Go and have a great vacation before you start. Invest in some good critical care books. The first six months, you will learn so much yoy feel like you are in nsg school again