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About Amy0413

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  1. Calling any Watts School of Nursing Students!!!

    I'd like to find them on facebook. I'd also like to know what to expect when I do start Watts in June as far as class times. I'm going to try to stay on at my current job part time for a few hours after class and wondered what is the normal class tim...
  2. Calling any Watts School of Nursing Students!!!

    How do I PM someone? I'm trying to get in touch with current Watts or MOC students. I'll be starting Mt Olive in January and have some questions. Thanks
  3. Calling any Watts School of Nursing Students!!!

    Hi all, I wanted to share that I was accepted into the program. I start Mt Olive in Jan and Watts in June 2010. I'm an older student, Durham native, and very excited about school. Hope to talk to some others that may be in my class.
  4. Calling any Watts School of Nursing Students!!!

    Hi, I have a question about classes at Mt Olive. I know you will have to take 18 credit hours there. My question is about the Math class. It's MAT 120??? Is there a Math before that you required to take. EX. I tested out of Math 70 but not Math 80 at...
  5. Calling any Watts School of Nursing Students!!!

    Thanks for the information. I've not taken any tests yet but have taken the practice tests suggested on the Watts website. I had to miss the information session yesterday at Watts but there is another coming up.
  6. Calling any Watts School of Nursing Students!!!

    Hi all, I've come to the realization that it's not going to work out with me working full time at my current job and attending school. I'm now looking into going to look into Watts. I've taken a lot of the pre-requisites already but understand they m...
  7. Hi, I'm currently on a waiting list for nursing school. If I have completed CNA course with clinical by mid March I'll get a ranking point boosting me up the list. Does anyone know of a place public or private that I can do this? Thanks so much
  8. Need some advice on school

    I'll try to make this short. I'm a 36 year old single parent of a soon to be freshman in college. I have a mortgage and the monthly bills we all have. I have decided that instead of having a job I want a career and am going to nursing school. I am pa...
  9. Evening Nursing Schools???

    Hi, I'm new here so if I've not put this in the correct area please excuse me. I've decided to go back to school for my nursing degree. I'm taking pre-requesites at Durham Tech and have been for the last year. I need to attend school at night. M...