

Critical Care

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About lilredrn

lilredrn has 7 years experience and specializes in Critical Care.

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  1. Average age of nurses on your unit

    Average 40s-50s on my unit. I'm one of the young 'ens and I'm 35!
  2. how CPR training and practice is going on on your unit?

    Running the code: There is a pecking order. If the intensivist is in the unit and available, they run the code (Place ETT, CVC, etc). It is their turf after all If unavailable, the ED doc will run the code and consult the hospitalist. ED MDs are p...
  3. What is the big difference?

    We just opened a stepdown ICU at our hospital, and now our M/SICU acuity went up. We still take all the vents (even home vents), super-resistant ETOHers, and vasoactive gtts. Even with the increase in acuity, I really like being able to go more "in...
  4. Discharged at the point of death.

    I wish I could make this happen for my patients who have a poor prognosis, but this creates much anxiety for their loved ones. Often they ask for the patients to be transferred to a medical floor or to a SNF to die. I think they want to feel like t...
  5. Looking for a Job?

    You are so sweet to post this for all of us. The job market is still very tough here on the West Coast. How is the job market over there? Is it still tight too?
  6. Discharged at the point of death.

    As a relatively new nurse to ICU, I wish more nurses on our unit would discuss issues like quality of life and futility of treatment. I've only been there for 5 months and have yet to see these subjects addressed by nurses. From what I have seen, i...
  7. Passed my CCRN exam!

    Congrats!!!! Yeah!
  8. Legacy Health RN Residency 2011

    You can select whichever state you want when you take your NCLEX. I would advise this if you're positive that OR is where you want to live. It took me 8 weeks to get my OR endorsement due to them misfiling my fingerprints & them not catching it...
  9. Sobriety and nursing school interviews

    Ah, I see. They won't let anyone in who wouldn't be allowed to sit for the boards. Have you checked with your BON to see if you would be eligible to sit for the boards given your history?
  10. Sobriety and nursing school interviews

    Keep your head up!!! You WILL make a great nurse. I got a rejection during my first selection, but still got in for the first round. Students do apply to several schools, so there is always some shuffling closer to the program start date where the...
  11. Interview Tues, leaving ICU for LTC

    I'm headed the other direction. LTC at $25/hr to ICU which will be $32/hr once I'm done with my 18 week residency. I had 180 patients solo on NOC. It was assisted living. I hope you find your niche there!
  12. Legacy Health RN Residency 2011

    My best advice would be to consider your senior practicum an extended job interview. My interactions with the team at my senior practicum there is what landed me this job. I served in student government, have a 3.8 GPA, worked 13 years in patient ...
  13. Legacy Health RN Residency 2011

    Sure, I found this page on the Legacy Site: Contact Us and called the number next to Legacy Employment. I wonder how many positions they ended up filling... I'm sure there are a lot of phone calls they need to make!
  14. Legacy Health RN Residency 2011

    Yes, it is!!! This is my DREAM job with an AMAZING team of nurses!!! I couldn't be more thrilled! :hpygrp: Just a word of encouragement for everyone reading: This is my second round applying for the nurse residency program at Legacy. I didn't even ...
  15. Legacy Health RN Residency 2011

    I got an offer today! I hope you guys hear back soon too :hug: