

Mental Health, Surgical-Ortho

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About CNA_Timmy

CNA_Timmy has 3 years experience and specializes in Mental Health, Surgical-Ortho.

Just your average run of the mill guy. I like learning about new things. I love my two dachshunds. Always looking for time to fit sleep into my life.

Latest Activity

  1. Being Questioned by Paramedics? Why?

    You may want to call a transport company next time. I am a EMT-B/CNA/Nursing Student, and I occasionally pick up shifts for a local ambulance transport company. We pretty much specialize in transporting LTC to hospitals/doctors appts/other places. ...
  2. $100,000 in student loan debt?

    It costs around 20-30K a year or a private school. Valparaiso University charges $29,020 a year for tuition and university fee's. Forget about living expenses, that's $116,080 for four years of classes alone. Add on books, and you are looking at $...
  3. What is your opinion on this????

    A hospital based diploma program in my area recently came to an agreement with a local college to share resources (as in the college can use the nursing program on top of their gen ed to grant BSN degrees). Students can enroll through the college an...
  4. Nurse cannulating and phelbotomy

    Well in the US PCT's and Phelebotomists (typically trained for several months in veinipuncture) draw the blood, and nurses place peripheral IV lines. As a matter of fact, I would sonner be stuck by a hornet than by most physicians I work with. As f...
  5. How is it possible working AND going to nursing school?

    I work as an aide 4 shifts a week... usually friday night and sunday morning... as in 16 hours... then saturday night then sunday morning. I do my homework everynight after class except the weekend I do it sunday night, and I always have flashcards ...
  6. Ortho vs Med/Surg

    Old post.... but... ortho is full of surgery to fix broken legs, hips and spines so there is your surg. And guess what group of people are good at breaking their hips... the elderly... which means while they are there for their hip surgery you are g...
  7. Night shift vs Day shift: stop the hate

    HAHA!! I know! I think we should make all the shifts change places for a few days so they can both see what they are missing. Although I have to say that was horrible about your low urine output pt! I hope that nurse was reprimanded, or at least ...
  8. Big dilemma (for me at least!)

    Have you looked into a masters entry program. My aunt was a social worker for 15 years before she went back to school and got her MSN as her first nursing degree. She then went to a psychiatric NP program a few years later, although graduating with...
  9. No Nursing Care?

    So I was just responding to a post, and it got me thinking. Has anyone else noticed that the nurses do not get to provide much in the way of nursing care anymore? Not that the nurses are opposed to positioning a patient or making them warm and comf...
  10. Night shift vs Day shift: stop the hate

    I always have to walk the line, seeing as how I work days and nights. I am always hearing each shift talk about the others. But seriously. Yes the day shift is busy, but there staffing is awsome (they have 4-5 patients per nurse, and several aides...
  11. Do anyone know aout the schools in Illinois

    Prarie state has a RN program, not sure about a bridge though. South Suburban I know does,, and there is a newer program in Crown Point, IN through the university of St. Francis,, which is a part t...
  12. I would say med/surg would be a good place to start. It is a good place to see many different kinds of things while shadowing. The floor I work on is a surgical ortho floor, with a lot of medical spill over... so you will see NGs, piccs, various ty...
  13. I take adderall, 10mg BID, and when I was hired, and even when I had a OTJ accident I was screened again. The first time I didn't even think about it and did not bring in my script. I was called a week later with a job offer. When I had my visit w...
  14. Do you do walking rounds?

    Where I work the nurses and CNAs actually go into the patients rooms (all private rooms where I work), and involve the paitent in report. The reason we are given for this is the patients can be more involved in their care. Usually the patients do n...
  15. anyone working A TCU unit in A Hospital setting?

    I have worked in my facilities acute rehab unit, which I think is similar. Ours is very structured, they have a strict routine everyday, and therapy all day long. I like being floated there, especially on the evening shift, when they are all relaxi...