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About SunnyGaits

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  1. Found my calling!!!

    I'm new at this forum and not that great on computers, I think I sent a message to the wrong person, but anyway, I wanted to ask you if you liked horses, just going by your profile name...:) MM
  2. Found my calling!!!

    Your kind words fill me with pride and happiness! Thank you so very much! Mary Margaret..
  3. Found my calling!!!

    I'm going to give my 17 year old son a big hug and kiss for finding this site for me...for the first time, in a loooooonnnnnggggg time, I feel like I'm doing something right and others in my profession are seeing that...I am a big ole' empathetic, lo...
  4. Found my calling!!!

    By the way, I take it, that you are into horses??
  5. Found my calling!!!

    Thank you so much!!! You brought tears to my eyes.. It's always good to hear good things from other nurses.
  6. Found my calling!!!

    Thank you so much for reading my "thread". My son actually found this site and shared it with me. He's 17 and is about to start nursing school and go on to become a CRNA...We encourage each other since we are all we have...I added you to my buddy ...
  7. Found my calling!!!

    Just had to share my happiness in my new job...I went straight to being a surgery nurse when I graduated from nursing school...Big mistake, but non the less, loved surgery very much! After 9 years, I let someone "talk" me into trying the cath lab, s...