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About leemacaz

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  1. Do I have to take off my clothes?

    stripec30 you might be surprised at how many patients read the comments on allnurses.. and how many articles and blogs list the url.. often to a specific page....and you really might not like the commentaries that they post on other blogs about what ...
  2. Would You Prefer a Male Nurse?

    I am a bit confused by your post itsbuzzy. Why would you make a choice on the gender of a nurse/provider based on it would make that nurse/provider uncomfortable? I though the idea was to make a choice on your comfort, but not the providers discomfor...
  3. The 10 REAL Reasons Men Don't Go to the Doctor

    TuTonka...the ladies are given a great deal more consideration to their modesty issues....and any male doctor making the equivalent statements about females that the lady did whose article caused this thread ..that male provider would be in a world o...
  4. Would You Prefer a Male Nurse?

    I do not blame you for not wanting to be threatened..so if they prefer another gender trade off with a male if one is available....(as you are a female) If one is not available....you might try talking to the patient...see what can be worked out...it...
  5. Would You Prefer a Male Nurse?

    Mere rejection of a provider because a patient is uncomfortable (to varying degrees) with the gender of the provider is not being abusive. The manner in which they do so may be though...calling the manner of rejection rude is ok....then it might mak...
  6. Would You Prefer a Male Nurse?

    What about males who prefer same gender care, especially if it is of an intimate nature?...Not based on anything except the embarrassment they feel...not because of a bias that females are in any way inferior..
  7. The 10 REAL Reasons Men Don't Go to the Doctor

    The doctor came across as bit arrogant and anti-male to me. She also forgot that men frequently prefer same gender providers as do many woman...
  8. Diane, You seem secure in yourself and with a patient making choices..thanks... I am curous how you handle the situations when a male asks for a male provider but one is not available...
  9. Sexual Discrimination

    Well unless you are never in the company of females..you will have heard a lot of these types of statements...still in the situations you describe..it seems highly unprofessional...guess guys rights are waaay behind the ladies rights...But as elsewhe...
  10. If they are real friends...they will stand behind you..sounds like they have their own security issues....If you were going to go to a terrorist school I could understand their backing off....I have learned..that sometines it is because they are stuc...
  11. Gay male nurse stereotype?

    Speaking as a patient/possible future patient.....I find most intimate care to be less embarrassing for me if it is by another male...the point is I am not there for any extracuricular activities nor am I particularly interested in your private lives...
  12. the ladies are not the only ones who have had a bad experience with the opposite gender....Do they accept that a male may cringe and request a male without feeling that it is a personal rejection? Do they think that a male should be given the same co...
  13. Need your support guys.........I Feel like a real pansy!!

    Walking away from a drunk troublemaker does not make you a pansy....any more than getting into a fist fight makes him a man. There is no winning with abusive drunks...but you could have lost your future...which would not have made you a man either......
  14. Hospice

    Start out with the sideways hug..if the opportunity arises...and talk to other hospice nurses..I bet they are a wealth of of informaation... I am one of those people who are not huggy oriented most of the time. Last year, one of my sisters had hospic...
  15. Condom Catheter Crisis

    A thought from a possible future patient...If the patient expressed embarrasment..acknowledge that fact....maybe with a "Yeah ..I understand...but its cool, ok?" just please do not use that cliche' "I've seen it all" they don't care what you have or...