ICU, PICC Team, Wound Care

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About EHRN

EHRN has 12 years experience and specializes in ICU, PICC Team, Wound Care.

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  1. Stage III and growing...Please help!!!

    1/2 strength Dakins is an excellent choice. Are you able to probe to bone? If so, you will need to get a bone biopsy for pathology to rule out osteo, if osteo +, they will need a 6-10 week course of IV Vancomycin. You don't want to do Dakins for t...
  2. Help Needed to treat wounds effectively

    I agree, Unna boots are very effective, but if not applied correctly, can cause more damage. For venous ulcers, try Silvadene to wounds daily, cover with 4x4's and secure with Kerlix or rolled gauze. Encourage pt to keep legs elevated at or above l...
  3. PICC vs. MIDLINE ?

    PICC lines are central lines, the tip is usually in the lower third of the SVC. A midline is a peripheral line, with its tip distal to the shoulder. Since the tip of the midline is not in the central circulation, our hospital does not require a che...
  4. PICC line dressing changes in the NICU

    We don't have an NICU, but I'll share what we do. We have pre-written standing orders for our PICC lines that includes an initial dressing change 24 hours post insertion. At this 1st drsg change, a biopatch is placed. Then, our protocol/standing o...
  5. Wound vac help!

    Not sure when this was posted, but maybe I can help. At our Wound Care Center, we frequently use Apligraf. If a VAC was ordered, we would place Mepitel over the graft, and depending on the amount of drainage, use either white or black granufoam. I...
  6. Any tips for a new PICC team?

    We are a fairly new PICC team, and would love to get some input from other teams out there. What works and what doesn't? Do you get any specialty pay? Do you get paid by insertion? What do you do if the MD refuses to read the chest x-ray and the ...
  7. Rational for PICC guidwire removal prior to CXR

    It depends on the situation. If the patient is obese or if there is a pacemaker or other hardware present, leaving the stylet in the PICC can make for easier viewing on the xray. Also, if there is a chance that the radiologist or MD will be looking...