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  1. Cal State Northridge CSUN Accelerated BSN Fall 2008

    Oh, I missed the date of orientation. I was too emotional as well. They said they will send us the information packet in 2-3 days. So I'm pretty sure most of the questions will be answered there. I was gonna go to New Mexico State if CSUN wouldn't ac...
  2. Cal State Northridge CSUN Accelerated BSN Fall 2008

    Are you a summer student? The summer program starts on Tue. May 26th. I am soooo excited!!!!! I applied for CSUN last year and didn't get in. I'm glad I didn't give up!!! We will be a nurse!!!!
  3. Cal State Northridge CSUN Accelerated BSN Fall 2008

    levoila, i got in too!! i got a call from csun today and was told that i was accepted for a summer program!i cried!!!
  4. Cal State Northridge CSUN Accelerated BSN Fall 2008

    i only remember one of them. dr. taylor. have you applied to other schools??
  5. Cal State Northridge CSUN Accelerated BSN Fall 2008

    hi have you heard anything from csun??
  6. Cal State Northridge CSUN Accelerated BSN Fall 2008

    levoila, thank you so much for your advice!! that was really helpful! my interview is on wed. i hope i will be ready by then!!!again, thank you so much!
  7. Cal State Northridge CSUN Accelerated BSN Fall 2008

    levoila, congrats getting an interview with csun! how did it go? i'm sure you were great! can you please tell us what questions they asked you? thank you!!
  8. Did anyone apply to the CSUN A-BSN program?

    Me too. I got a rejected letter. I had 3.9 above GPA and some nursing related experience. But I guess it wasnt enough. quite depressing......
  9. Did anyone apply to the CSUN A-BSN program?

    hi brock76, if what you heard is true, that would give me and others hope. where did you get that info?? i know they are still in process of selecting people and not yet done.
  10. Did anyone apply to the CSUN A-BSN program?

    maybemaybenot, thank u for updating. Did you apply for summer or fall? what were the questions like?? I wish you the best
  11. Did anyone apply to the CSUN A-BSN program?

    Oh wow....that is a bad news for me too. I haven't recieved any call from them neither. So if we are not invited for the interview, then its more likely that we are not one of those canditates they have selected?? As much as I knew it was competitive...
  12. Did anyone apply to the CSUN A-BSN program?

    Hi Kathliz, they haven't contacted me yet. I know it's way slower than I thought it would take. They said they should be contacting us this coming week, but who knows....
  13. Did anyone apply to the CSUN A-BSN program?

    Hi Hope, thanks for letting me know about the lifespan pysch. Nice to know that my summer isn't gonna be as awful as i thought it would be. I know how you feel. By now, they should have selected their strong/potential candidates. I just hope they wo...
  14. Did anyone apply to the CSUN A-BSN program?

    Hi Npatient, how did your interview go?? Hi everyone, any news yet? I haven't heard anything from them since they called to tell me that I needed to take lifespan psych.
  15. Did anyone apply to the CSUN A-BSN program?

    Hi hope. I actually asked the lady who called if she could tell me anything about my application status but she didnt know. Im not sure if they are calling everyone and letting people know about their incomplete application. But as you said, it seems...