

Critical and Intensive Care

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About Polednice

Polednice has 2 years experience and specializes in Critical and Intensive Care.

I love being a nurse, whatever it brings

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  1. ECMO

    Well, transporting ECMO... sounds more like a sci-fi to me! For our ECMO team it was a great deal to transport it across the tiny park we have between our dept and radiology! Not to imagine transporting it across the ocean! As far as Czech health car...
  2. ECMO

    Hello!! What an interesting topic with ECMO!! I'm sorry I can't contribute, just wonder... well, except a tiny bit. We had a 64 years old ECMO patient about two months ago. He was acutely admitted for massive ischemia of myocardium, with the major pa...
  3. ECMO

    That's really very sad, about the kids in your ICUs!! ...I really admire what you do for your little patients!! ...and I am also interested in that abstract of your lecture, Janfrn!
  4. ECMO

    It seems that making the surgeons to stop bleeding troubles more nurses than I've imagined... By the way, docs from the dept of children's surgery came to learn about our ECMO exploits, because they plan to start with ECLS for their patients, too. I'...
  5. ECMO

    Thank you for confirming we're doing the right thing, Janfrn!!
  6. ECMO

    So as I see it, generally we do the same thing, like adding more layers of absorbent dressing (mostly SurgiPads) and not removing the blood clots sticking to the stitches, just sending some tiny samples to microbiology lab. Actually, yesterday they ...
  7. ECMO

    ..as another ECMO appeared in our ward, more colleagues of mine see the necessity of some standards. So, we decided to join our efforts, already putting together material related. And since yesterday, perfusionists are supporting us, too, coming up w...
  8. ECMO

    Well, I really didn't mean it like being glad... not for the patient, for sure!!...anyway, there's an improvement seen by this one, his antikoagulation is looked at much closely. Perfusionists alone have felt the need of better management and came up...
  9. ECMO

    Hurray!!!...having another ECMO under my care!!!!!..another opportunity to learn...having our perfusionist present I can discuss the matter with him!!..this time the patient is sedated, forunately!!
  10. ECMO

    By the way, this is my department, the whole building it is... so sorry I have no pictures from inside our ward!...it belongs to the General Teaching Hospital in Prague.http://kardiochirurgie.lf1.cuni.cz/
  11. ECMO

    Oh, that would be wondeful of you!!... I am speechless...or I would be repeating myself... but still: Thank you!! I did some serious search and found ECLS Guidelines of Great Ormond Street Hospital in the UK..and quantities of ECMO articles on Medsca...
  12. ECMO

    Woooooow!!! I can't even express, how excited I feel about it all!!.. and thankful!!... I'm already going through some guidelines for ECMO I've found on the net, nursing care standards included!! And it all has just intensified the feeling our team h...
  13. ECMO

    Good news for my little "project"!! My colleagues and the head doctor of our ward got interested, too!!!...spending Friday and the whole weekend at work with them (We've got 12 hrs shifts, days and nights.), I've had enough time to survey, what do th...
  14. ECMO

    Oh, what you have written is so full of HOPE!! ... I can't be thankful enough for it and for the effort you put into scanning those standards of your ward!! Today I discussed the matter with my dpt manager, her reaction was more than encouraging and...
  15. ECMO

    So, my patient was weaned from ECMO on Monday morning and I am really happy for him! It seems that his heart and lungs got enough rest and started to work satisfactorily. Yet it doesn't diminish his need for the "new" lungs. Being put in the internat...