
**LaurelRN MSN

Interventional Radiology

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About **LaurelRN

**LaurelRN has 6 years experience as a MSN and specializes in Interventional Radiology.

I was a nurse for 10 years, I became a NP and have been working in IR for 10 months. Loving my new role!!

Latest Activity

  1. Baby RN's running ICU?!!

    Unfortunately, it seems this is the trend in healthcare. Hospitals don't want to continue to pay experienced nurses- it's cheaper to train nurses. Not safer- just cheaper- at least that's the way I see it
  2. To blood sugar or not to blood sugar. That is the question.

    So here's the thing... I have done numerous papers and alot of research about this topic (not tube feeding specifically- but it ties in). If a patient is in the ICU, there is already a reason to do FSBS- sepsis, MI, neuro issues, cancer, infection- w...
  3. Most drips at once

    annie.rn- I'm like you- I want them all labeled and pretty- so I know what's where and it's not a spaghetti mess
  4. Axillary IABP

    Are you referring the secure to the patient? We use 12 inch Tegaderms and of course the MD sutures to the leg.Then the helium line should run parallel to the patient.
  5. ccrn

    I did the Laura Gasparis DVD's and questions from her book. I did them nonstop for 3 weeks, had been in ICU 1 year and passed. It depends on alot of things. Are you a good test taker? Do you critically think well? The worst you can do is have to take...
  6. DDAVP administration with fresh hearts

    Our hearts routinely come out with Amicar. DDAVP is kinda a last resort- if bleeding doesn't stop with FFP and Plt's, they'll go to cryo, then DDAVP- if it doesn't stop then- they go back to OR
  7. Joint commission and their ridiculous mandates

    The funny thing is JACHO found that their own standards inhibit the ability of nurses to care for patients and their own inspections create part of the problem in health care. That's why I have left the bedside. I'm tired of not being able to actuall...
  8. ratio's with induced hypothermia patients

    Poll: Are your induced hypothermia patients kept 1:1 throughout cooling/maintenance and rewarming? Thanks in advance :)
  9. help me figure out what happened :/

    Though what everyone else has said could quite possibly seem feasible. I am more inclined to think (though without labs, trending vitals, and pt history, it's a guess) someone who is in renal failure quite often has electrolyte imbalances. What was t...
  10. New RN, 3 weeks into orientation, total screw up.

    Nugget...As with everyone else (for the most part)...Inexperience does not mean you screwed up...The Dilaudid...I don't know that I wouldn't have given it...Yes it can cause respiratory depression...however..."below 8, intubate" is not necessarily tr...
  11. What have I gotten myself into.....?

    Lgood, I don't think it really depends what unit you start out on- I think we all feel that overwhelming sense of OMG!! How am I going to do this and did I make a mistake. Relax, take a deep breath and think. You need to get into a habit of organiza...
  12. Can someone PLEEEEASE explain INSULIN DRIPS?

    H_2_0 There are alot of things at play here. 1) as most everyone here has said, the insulin drip is not really to bring down the blood sugar ( I mean it does, but that is not the primary reason). In DKA, A) you have the absence of insulin B) you have...
  13. Shift Change

    though there still may be times when no one can get there- my hospital went to cna's coming in 15 minutes earlier (and they get off 15 minutes earlier)..that way report is staggered to free up the cna when nurses are giving report and vice- versa
  14. BKAT-Critical Care

    i took it, no preparation- it was cake. it's a few med compatibilities, acls, rhythms, prioritization, lines, hemodynamics...stuff like that....
  15. The strangest thing you've ever seen on an x-ray?

    We did a bronch on a guy who came in with "resp distress"...found a $1 and cocaine residue...had a post op a few days ago...a VERY large sweet potato stuck in the rectum...smh...as said before...we couldn't make this stuff up!!!!