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  1. traction protocols

    I don't see traction ordered very much anymore. Our hip fractures usually get an ORIF or TH by the next day so we reposition gently and keep a large ice bag next to the hip.
  2. Hang abx COLD?

    I was always taught to take antibiotic piggybacks out of the refrigerator for an hour or so before hanging, to let them reach room temperature. Now I work with some newer nurses who look at me like I'm nuts. They take them directly from the refrigera...
  3. Ortho/Neuro/Trauma Nurse Resume Help

    • Receive patients from PACU, monitor post-op vitals, set up PCA, fluids, review post-op orders, orient patient to unit and review plan of care • Obtain admission history, entering collected data into computer system • Educate patients specific to co...
  4. Visitors chasing you down the hallway....

    We do walking rounds at shift change. Before I leave the room, I ask, "Is there anything you need immediately?" If not, then I let them know I will be finishing report on my other patients and I will be back within an hour. We also do hourly rounds t...
  5. Procedure Tips and Tricks

    For those "hard IV sticks"... close your eyes. Sit down, get comfortable, and close your eyes. Feel for the vein with your fingertips. You will learn to differentiate and find that sweet little bounce. You'll soon be "a pro". Often you can feel what...
  6. Verbal assault by a pt.

    Wow, there is a lot of anger and bitterness flying around here. Let me see if I can help by adding my two cents worth. First of all, our profession is exactly that... a profession. With this comes an expectation of a particular demeanor... profession...
  7. What would you do?

    That really isn't a significant $ difference. Go for it. You'll be happier and more rested. Priceless.
  8. Is your hospital green?

    Our pulse ox probes, SCD sleeves, and BP cuffs all go back to a company to be reworked. We have several recycle wastebaskets around the floor for cans, non-patient-sensitive paper, etc. Many of our lights (supply closets, locker room, etc) have motio...
  9. Are you a part of a professional association?

    Yes. I am an ortho nurse and am a member of NAON.
  10. Need Ortho T-shirt Slogan

    You guys are great! Keep 'em coming!
  11. Need Ortho T-shirt Slogan

    Our floor is getting t-shirts and looking for slogan ideas. Any bright ones out there? Has to have something pertaining to ortho.... bones, joints...
  12. Ortho can be a great place to work. I've done it for seven years and love it. You really need to know how to work together on the floor. Get up and help your co-workers whenever you can because there will be plenty of times when you need them too. Ma...
  13. Jcaho Medication Reconciliation

    I have heard, more than once, contradictions in what Joint Commission requires when compared hospital-to-hospital. This leads me to believe hospitals sometimes use it as an excuse for implementation of new policies or procedures. I truly can't imagin...
  14. Share Your Funniest Patient Stories...

    so in the middle of the night i go in to give a patient his pain pills. i hand him his water pitcher (ours are opaque with the logo and a big bendy straw). he takes his pills and immediatley starts sputtering and spitting... "that was piss". i was sh...
  15. Tips for looking more professional

    I press my uniforms and jackets, put on makeup, style my hair, keep my nails done, etc. It's part of my preparation for getting in to the mindset. Take care of yourself, then you can take care of others. That is how you look more professional. You wi...