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About love_heal_yoga

I'm keen for simplicity and joy and am just starting out in the most rewarding career of my life.

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  1. NCLEX / HESI Study Guide

    Thank you for this consolidated information! Our class had less than a week to study for our Exit Hesi and I was short on energy, time and cash. Who wouldn't be after 14 months of straight nursing school? Plus, I would likely never pay for a $$$ revi...
  2. Moving to FL (Melbourne). Good hospital to apply to?

    Hello fellow soon to be nurses! I graduate this August and am also looking in this region. I wonder if either of the hospitals offer an informal tour of the facilities. I'd be interested in that. Good luck in your search and interviews. :)
  3. Transfering to a new program after failure.

    Based upon what you have mentioned, you are likely still in good standing. They would not let you reapply if you were not. I would contact your old school to confirm this. Furthermore, be up front with your new school. Explain to them why you would ...
  4. Readiness for enhanced family processes r/t?

    Thank you both for the wonderful feedback. Esme12, sorry my initial question was short on detail. I was mainly just wanting to know the technical aspect of whether or not to include a r/t factor in my "Readiness for..." diagnosis. The assignment was...
  5. Hello, I am preparing a nursing diagnosis for a family. The only family needs I've identified are related to anticipatory guidance. What is the appropriate NANDA way to use "readiness for enhanced family processes," as a diagnosis? Does it require a ...
  6. Howard CC Accelerated May 2012

    thanks to both of you. pinkcosmos i believe the deadline to have the prerequisites completed is that february. so if you finish up in january you will be quite fine. always double check with nursing admissions, however, as things may change. i di...
  7. Accelerated ASN/ADN programs

    I know of two, accredited, 13 month, accelerated ADN degree programs, that do not require one to attain a previous Bachelors. The programs require a vast amount of prerequisites (essentially the same ones required for BSN admissions). You have to att...
  8. Howard CC Accelerated May 2012

    Hi everyone, I was accepted and will begin the accelerated program in May. I am very much looking forward to the journey and would love to connect with past or present students. Anyone out there...?? :)
  9. CLASS SCHEDULE -- Accelerated RN Program at Howard Community College

    I think you meant to transfer to MD nursing programs. :) Can this be changed please?
  10. CLASS SCHEDULE -- Accelerated RN Program at Howard Community College

    I am also beginning the accelerated program this May. *happy dance* I suppose we will meet Wednesday and can discuss this more, but I will likely resign my current position while in school.