

Education and oncology

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About oncnursemsn

oncnursemsn has 30 years experience and specializes in Education and oncology.

Oncology nurse

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  1. OCN exam - help!

    Hi! Good for you that you want to get certified after 2 years of oncology experience! You didn't say where you live, but in Boston (where I am) a lot of the larger hospitals have a "certification review" all day class. It's free for the organization...
  2. High School Student Wants to be an Oncology Nurse

    Hi Nurse Beth- and thank you for your timely advice. As an Advanced Oncology Nurse Specialist and former nursing professor, may I add a few additional suggestions? An oncology nurse navigator typically needs 2-5 years nursing/oncology experience. It'...
  3. Politics in Nursing... HELP!

    I'm so sorry you have experienced short staffing- as you know, not unusual. But you have done it! You have completed a year and now can move on to the acute care setting you desire. You didn't say if you have ASN or BSN or what city/town you live in....
  4. Choice, Pathology, and the Disease Model of Addiction

    Congratulations MayRN2987. This is a tough journey for sure. Most if not many of our colleagues do not understand the struggle. Please know you are so strong and I understand as well. Keep going to meetings, hang with those who know and are "friends ...
  5. Choice, Pathology, and the Disease Model of Addiction

    Phenomenal posting. Well written and researched. Should be required reading for all who go into nursing or are nurses. It's reality folk- you will encounter addiction in patients, family members and even medical professionals. As nurses we have to g...
  6. The good ole days of nursing...share your stories!

    Love this post and yes! Remember when you sat for your boards and it was 2 days? Not single day at the computer under lock down. I think we had it good.
  7. The Insidious Nature of Compassion Fatigue

    This is amazing- thank you. I don't work in an emergency department but have been an oncology nurse 34 years - and like you- am a doctoral student , but now in my 3rd year. I'm struggling with what I think is compassion fatigue, burn out? I'm exhaust...
  8. Suspended for a Medication Error

    Thank you for clarifying- please go back and re-read the original post. This happened many years ago and she has gone on to earn her master's degree. I don't think those who wrote her up were bipolar or lying. I admit I'm distracted by difficulty get...
  9. Ethical issue? Treating a 101 year old patient

    Would love to. As Charge Nurse I can't just stop. Have to plow on and treat. I'm not sure the patient truly understands but her family doesn't want to give up. Really?
  10. I've been an oncology nurse a long time- over 34 years. For the first time I'm posting on Allnurses because of my moral distress and lack of consensus. I have booked a woman who is 101 years old for Keytruda next week for aggressive head and neck can...
  11. America, party of 2

    You might be surprised but healthcare is more costly than ever before. You, my friend get to pay for everyone who has cancer, premature babies or end of life care. Do you know that ICU care is expensive? That cancer drugs have increased over 100% in ...
  12. Anxiety following patient death

    Dear Hockeynurse, First, you did nothing wrong. Your patient was actively dying and you did the best thing to make him comfortable. There is always the "last dose" which is not what causes your patient to die- they were dying all along. You did the b...
  13. Which Master's Degree?

    I'm just echoing everyone else's advise. And I'm a bit jealous you have tuition reimbursement so I say just go for it! If you love nursing and think you might want to teach, go for education. I"m not a manager or administrator so teaching is my passi...
  14. Disturbing Conversation on Overweight Healthcare Workers

    Hi VivaLasVegas- and thank you! For trying to keep us on topic. You are my hero. Let's face it, most of us struggle with something but we are here to care for our patients, provide best care as nurses and keep our own lives on course. We are not pe...
  15. Racist surgeon?

    Wow- this is not a question, it's a concern. And yes, this degree of racism still exists in this country. Something I didn't realize unit I moved to FL for a short time. Absolutely not acceptable and not tolerable but if the culture of the organizati...