Do Or Do Not

Do Or Do Not

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About Do Or Do Not

nursing guy looking to make a damn good difference

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  1. Atlanta hiring new grads

    Well, at least she was honest with you.
  2. Entry level pay rate for RN in Atlanta

    I can't really answer questions 1 &'s a real shot in the dark to find out which hospitals are hiring new grads at this point, so just keep applying and making calls and hope for the best. I graduated last fall and started work at Grady ...
  3. Atlanta hiring new grads

    I wish I could say there's some magical way I managed to get on the floor at Grady. I had a small leg up b/c one of the nurses on the floor (who just started a month ago and is also a trainee) knows me and made a good reference, but other than that ...
  4. Atlanta hiring new grads

    I didn't really apply for the residency program, but they asked me if i wanted in it after i started work. for med-surg nurses it's optional b/c there's not the mandatory 2-year committment. So, to answer your question, i'm doing both
  5. Atlanta hiring new grads

    Hey just to update on what I wrote at the top (2 months ago...seems like forever), I got hired by Grady onto a med-surg unit, and they hired a whole bunch of other new grads too! They didn't require me to sign a 2-year contract, but that may just be...
  6. Atlanta hiring new grads

    I'm glad to know that this hasn't spread to Baltimore! Northside called me a few weeks ago asking me if I want to interview for their residency program, but like you said, they wanted me to sign a 2 year contract. 2 years is quite a long time to be...
  7. pick a state, any state

    Funny you should say that! I'm in North GA and just passed the NCLEX! Any hospitals you can recommend I apply to???
  8. Welcome NCLEX February 2011 Test Takers

    UPDATE: I got the word this morning that I passed! Yaaaay!
  9. Welcome NCLEX February 2011 Test Takers

    Thank you! The exam was loooooong! I about pooped in my pants once I answered question 75 and saw it go on to question 76. I kept thinking "this has gotta end soon....cmon now!", but the exam kept going and going until it went all the way to quest...
  10. Welcome NCLEX February 2011 Test Takers

    I'm taking the exam tomorrow (2/9). I don't feel like I studied as much as I should have, but I did three comprehensive practice tests (Mosby, NCBSN, and Kaplan), all of which range between 60-65%. I also spent some time reading the sections I was ...
  11. Georgia Highlands College Fall 2010

    There are a couple female students who got in with lower GPAs then mine. I'm not completely naive and I know that being a dude got me a few brownie points, but the admins at KSU keep a tight lip on how exactly they do their methodology. But hey, go...
  12. Georgia Highlands College Fall 2010

    I got in Fall 2009, into the accelerated program. I mean, shoot, if you can quote me from back in time, my friends heard me say nothing but "I'd love to go to KSU, but with my grades it's pretty much impossible", and I kept on hedging my bets all th...
  13. Floyd Medical Center - Rome

    I did my clinicals there a few months back. Most of the nurses there know their stuff and will help out for anything you need, but there were a few bad apples who were more concerned with looking at wedding dresses than doing actual RN work. To be ...
  14. Georgia Highlands College Fall 2010

    Oh please. I got into the KSU nursing program with a 3.2. GPA isn't the only thing they look at. I did pretty great on my TEAS as well as the interview and I think those are what made me qualify in their eyes, so don't sell yourself short by sayin...
  15. Kennesaw Accelerated BSN Fall 2010

    Hey Klea, I know this is a month delayed, so hopeufully you'll still drop by and read it... I'm currently in the Accelerated BSN program and will graduate this December. In short, the program is INTENSE! There are some of us who work (I don't) whil...