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About twinjeep97

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  1. Passed! RN BSN . Interview lined up

    I passed the NCLEX last week and l started to apply to nearby hospitals. I got a call day after submitting application. In OHIO , new grads with BSN are being hired like crazy regardless of experience. However , on the job training and precepting all...
  2. 4 med errors in one shift... Feeling terrible

    Not sure what type of area you work in or your client load but I believe that this is bound to happen to anyone/everyone. Facilities expect no errors even with a client load of 10+. This just doesn't make sense. As a current nursing student I just...
  3. ** Back-priming/Back-flush Secondary IV line**

    Thanks, I missed your initial explanation. So in other words, if I am hanging the 2nd bag on ATB (and it is same solution) no need to backprime correct? I guess my instructor wants us to get into habit of backflushing to ensure no compatibility iss...
  4. ** Back-priming/Back-flush Secondary IV line**

    whats a time waster? how do you do it? Id still like to hear ur input but will follow steps instructor tells me.
  5. ** Back-priming/Back-flush Secondary IV line**

    Yes that would be helpful. I need to invest into some skills cd's. But with original post, is that accurate?
  6. ** Back-priming/Back-flush Secondary IV line**

    well i just think with hanging bag and spiking, fluids may run out if the spike isn't all the way through when twisting. ITs also easier to grip when upside down.
  7. ** Back-priming/Back-flush Secondary IV line**

    Bc I want to make sure I am doing each step correctly in order to avoid asking clinical instructor repeated questions. I would also like to make a few notecards to review prior to performing each task.
  8. ** Back-priming/Back-flush Secondary IV line**

    yes why?
  9. Hello, *With use of Baxter Pump* In this situation, there will be 2 bags, with the NS hanging below ATB. Another client is due for another 50mL dose of an ATB, so we must switch out the ALMOST empty secondary bag. When I go into room I will hit "stop...
  10. Hello, *With use of Baxter Pump* In this situation, there will be 2 bags, with the NS hanging below ATB. Another client is due for another 50mL dose of an ATB, so we must switch out the ALMOST empty secondary bag. When I go into room I will hit "st...
  11. *Switching IV bags* Please help

    Thanks everyone I really appreciate the input!!
  12. I have been researching and watching countless videos on Youtube of how to switch IV bags. Most youtube videos explain how to setup the initial bag and rate but not how to switch out empty IV bags. Can someone please help me with this, I would greatl...
  13. *Switching IV bags* Please help

    I have been researching and watching countless videos on Youtube of how to switch IV bags. Most youtube videos explain how to setup the initial bag and rate but not how to switch out empty IV bags. Can someone please help me with this, I would grea...
  14. Nursing Student Flow Sheet

    I just added vital signs and such to the sheet
  15. Nursing Student Flow Sheet

    Able to open and view it. Thanks a lot !