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  1. RT to RN programs

    Valencia Community College in Orlando Florida has an Advanced placement program that is Rt to RN, it lasts for one year
  2. Can someone please explain diff. b/t PCT and CNA in MD?

    A PCT has more advanced skills than a CNA. They have training in EKG, Phlebotomy, Foley Catheters, and Hoyer Lifts. This training is available at community colleges in the area under the continuing education department and some hospitals offer the ...
  3. Any Arundel Comm. College Students here?

    I am going to apply for Anne Arundel's program for Fall 2010 and I am a Anne Arundel County resident. Do they usually have a waiting list or do most students get in the first time?
  4. BCCC students - In need of A&P1 textbook help???

    You should go to class first, I took A&P I at BCCC and the professor did not require the purchase of the textbook. He put all of the pertinent information on powerpoints which were posted to Blackboard. And my lab instructor did not require the...
  5. Hiring LPN/LVN's in Houston??

    I totally understand! Just use your friend's or relatives' local Houston mailing address on your resume. That should help!
  6. What do you all mean by accredited? Accredited by which organization? They are listed under the VA board of Nursing site with provisional approval like alot of other schools and their RN pass rate was pretty high. I have heard good things about Co...
  7. Hi everyone! I will be starting my program on May 26th in Virginia! I am so excited! I have just finished taking A&P I this semester, so I am hoping that this will give me a head start in the LPN program.
  8. LPN/LVN Training in Maryland

    Hi, if you do not choose to attend a community college, there are technical schools in DC that offer evening classes. Also Sojourner Douglass in Baltimore offers an LPN program as well.
  9. What Can you Tell Me About Homestead Florida

    I would have to agree. I guess it really depends on where you are coming from, but this an area that is south of miami and it is not progressive at all. Kind of like slow town, usa. Alot of people moved there during the housing boom because they ...
  10. First Day LPN Fall 2008

    Ok, I am little confused. I have been looking into LPN programs to start in 2009, but I was under the impression that you take one subject at a time. But I am noticing that you all are taking more than one subject. Is this typical?
  11. I read this as well..... Very interesting, if the patient's wishes are granted, this will greatly affect the nursing home industry
  12. Sheridan Tech- Hollywood

    Thanks so much for the update. I am currently enrolled in A&P I, so I was trying to focus on that before I took the Teas, but if I am not mistaken, Sheridan only requires a 40% to be accepted, so I think that I should be okay. I am going to tak...
  13. AP1 during winter session at HCC or anyother cc

    The winter sessions only run for 6-8 weeks, so unless you have taken A&P before I would not recommend it. There is alot of information to retain in such a short amount of time. I am enrolled in A&P I now and it is my only class and it is de...
  14. AP1 during winter session at HCC or anyother cc

    No, just A&P II is offered during the winter session
  15. LPN Training Under 11 months

    Thanks, where is your program located?