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  1. Requesting Help...turn around times for chemotherapy

    I work in an 18 chair outpatient facility. The turnaround time can vary based upon patient load as well as who the pharmacist is on a particular day. Generally speaking, we have our pre-meds up within 5-10 minutes and the chemo back in approximatel...
  2. carbo/taxol/avastin order of admin

    At our outpatient clinic convenience dictates that we start the Taxol/Carbo first as the CBC results are generally back before the UA dip for protein which we need before we can administer the Avastin (that's when the docs remember to order the UA di...
  3. Chemo without pumps???? A little long

    I worked for almost a year in a similar situation, with nurses leaving every couple of months. I was six months out of nursing school and became the lead nurse - mixing, triaging, administering chemo. The doctor in charge of the clinic just didn't ...
  4. Please share nurse to pt ratio

    We have nine chairs in our outpatient clinic, and two RN's, but we also have to mix our own chemo, so sometimes it gets very hectic, as the nurse on the floor is left to do telephone triage, prescriptions, hang the chemo, access/deaccess the ports/IV...
  5. Where can I find very soft scrubs

    The nurses where I work prefer Silky Scubs which have the added benefit of no ironing!
  6. Need Resume Help to land an outpatient infusion position

    What state are you located in? I landed an Oncology Infusion position right out of nursing school...they paid for my 2 day ONS certification course. We could use some help here where I am....
  7. things to know for nursing internship in oncology??

    One of the first things you should do is get chemo 'certified' by taking the ONS 2 day chemo certification course. You can find local course offerings on the ONS website. If you have not joined ONS, you should --- they are an invaluable resource fo...
  8. Weird Question for Oncology

    You will have many experiences in your nursing clinicals, so I wouldn't pin my hopes on any one area until you've been through several. I work in an ambulatory oncology infusion office and it is very, very busy. It's rewarding to see the patients w...
  9. Suggested NI/IT/IS Interview Questions

    Excellent, excellent questions. I left a job after 20+ years in IT to pursue a nursing degree, and now 6 mos into an oncology nursing positing, am thinking of integrating the two pursuits. These questions are essential and thought provoking!!
  10. Implanted Ports

    Do you have the option of choosing the needle length, 3/4 vs 1 inch? I find that the 1 inch saves the day on larger men or women who have ports that are implanted more deeply in the breast tissue.
  11. Age you will/were graduated?

    Graduated proudly at age 54. Making half the money I was before, but am 10 times happier.
  12. Are nurses unsupportive spouse magnets??

    Interesting discussion. But I haven't heard anyone else say that they may have entered nursing because their SO or DH didn't need nurturing, and perhaps the reason nursing appealed to them was that they had a need to nurture that wasn:idea: 't bein...