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About 1MOM2RN

1MOM2RN specializes in Med/Surg.

Mother of 4, RN in first year of nursing, staring BSN program 9/2009

Latest Activity

  1. Is Rivier College a good school?

    I would question that pass rate chart ... there are no values for several years (including 2008 when I graduated) and there are 2 graduates listed for 2009 ... when in reality there are hundreds each year! It's a huge nursing program. A very good one...
  2. Pt./Family Comments that Leave You Speechless

    I'll bet the family would have a syncopal episode if someone tipped off their mother's insurance company about that and they got a big fat bill in the mail...
  3. All that snow!

    i would also wonder why you were considering nh if your husband hates snow? last year we had well in excess of 100 inches of snow, and this year has been pretty brutal as well. i'm a native new englander and i am very tired of snow...
  4. All that snow!

    We hope the roads are plowed, and know how to drive on poorly-plowed roads in case they're not! And several times, I'm stayed overnight at the hospital, in a vacant room, when a huge storm was forecasted, so that I was sure to be available the next ...
  5. I work nights, 7p - 7a. I've been doing it for over 5 years, but only as an RN for 7 months. I was having a very hard time staying awake on the drive home when I started this job (I think because I am so busy all night, and then when I sit, I crash)....
  6. personally, i would waste them the next time i did count. do it by procedure, with another nurse and note that the content is questionable because they were not locked up for a period of time and put the names of those who moved the syringes. why put...
  7. Learn To Say It Correctly!!

    I totally know the correct pronounciation and use of exasperated and exacerbated, but I stumble over it every time (but at least I'm aware I'm doing it! LOL) another one I hear a lot is subscription, vs prescription I had a patient with "pr...
  8. Precepting new BSN grad/having trouble

    i am a brand new nurse, in week 4 of my preceptorship and i would never dream of doing or saying the things she did. it is 100% her,and you have done nothing wrong! if she starts out this arrogant as a newbee, can you imagine what she's going to be...
  9. Just took NCLEX-RN

    GOOOOO IVYLeagueNurse!!! Can't wait to hear your good news!
  10. A year in...and trust me, it gets better

    if you're a new grad, and "on your own" after only a month, i would say your facility has a sub-standard orientation program, and that, not your ability, is to blame. ignore those looks of scorn. most new nurses aren't on their own until 3 or more ...
  11. Just took NCLEX-RN

  12. just took nclex and feeling down

    to all of those holding your breath... everyone feels that way coming out of that wretched test. i won't tell you to "relax", "don't think about it" or "don't worry about it". i know all of the above is impossible. just know that those of us who ...
  13. How soon after graduation did you test?

    I tested (and passed) exactly 1 month after graduation. I have read (I think somewhere on allnurses.com - go figure) that studies have shown that those who test within 3 months of graduation have a better chance of passing the NCLEX.
  14. 1st yr student & working mom of 4...

    i had 3 children when i started nursing school, 4 now. my daughter was born in the middle of it. all of the above advice is excellent, and let me tell you, having a supportive husband is priceless (i made a "toast" of sorts to him at my graduation ...
  15. Questions for those who have passed...

    freebird, when i was preparing to take the hesi exam for school (required to make an 850 or greater to pass med/surg ii), i was getting all 50s & 60s on my practice tests, so i went into the test expecting to be taking it at least a 2nd time, and...