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About NurseRachy

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  1. do you ever felt like nursing is not for you?

    Every shift i doubt my choice of profession! Sad but true.
  2. Carebear06 - Firstly - good luck in your new job. You'll never know unless you try it. I have a couple of friends that work in prisons and they LOVE it. They always have officers around them and are NEVER alone with the inmates. They would never c...
  3. Good Bye to Nursing for me...

    I'm sorry to read that you have had a bad time in nursing. These issues are identical in nursing world-wide! I can fully identify with your issues expressed and they are very similar to reasons why i have decided to leave the profession at only the ...
  4. Christmas Gift for your unit from docs

    Hmmmmm... let me think...... Absolutely NOTHING!!!!
  5. Unfortunately not in Australia either.... I'm in the same boat. I have qualifications in Public Health and Health Promotion...... The powers that be are struggling to see the connection to nursing practice and how my knowledge is of assistance to o...
  6. Teachers Becoming Nurses

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I would LOVE to be a teacher. Mother was a teacher - really don't know how i ended up nursing..... can we please swap qualifications? Rachel
  7. Anyone have a pt with non healing leg wounds?

    How about medihoney? It's real honey from bees but a certain type with better healing properties. I have also used normal honey on myself, but that was just for a graze when i tripped. Worth a try..
  8. Osteosclerosis??

    Sorry Marla I've never heard of it either but I hope that everything ends up ok!! Sending good wishes.. Rachel
  9. Hello jetta1, Yeah a good friend of mine was written up by a Dr because she paged the Dr to query a dose (INR 3.3 and 3mg of warfarin written up to give) and when the Dr called back she was really nasty, yelling and carrying on down the phone that sh...
  10. Wow - I've never been asked if I've been saved. I'm sure i would blurt out "from what, what do you mean?" Other than that I think I would just answer "yes thanks" and quickly busy myself with another task. When people (usually 2 young men) knock on ...
  11. My slow recovery from wisdom tooth removal

    ALL THE BEST!!! I fondly (haha) remember my 4 impacted wisdom teeth being removed. I had to go to a hospital's day surgery and had a general anesthetic. Well, I too had the bruising, SWELLING, pain, SWELLING, numbness, oh, did i mention SWELLING re...
  12. Cancer in a 5 y/o

    oh my gosh - that is terrible news! I'm so sorry to hear about that Julie. I'm keeping you both in my best wishes. Positive thinking ((((((((((Julielpn))))))))))) Rachel
  13. I HATE nursing! (long)

    Sorry to hear that you are soo sad. i too would strongly recommend a drug rep job, or maybe work as a homeless outreach nurse- that way you might feel less like a bird in a cage. How about being a case manager for chronic illnesses like COPD or som...
  14. I love nursing but I'm too busy to:

    I love nursing but I'm too busy to run around and find the patients friend a different flavour of jam for the patients toast! (but i do it anyway cause I'm a softy)
  15. My niece cuts, and I don't know what to do

    Sorry to hear this markjrn, sorry no advice just best wishes! Rachel