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About morningbelle26

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  1. VA nurses, help with federal resume please!

    Hi Tara, I know this post is kind of late but I wanted to know if you got that VA job and your experience with it/getting it. Wanted to PM you but I guess you have to post 15 replies? Congrats on 1 year down! Thanks, Kelly
  2. GBCC- Fall 2012 Great Bay applicants...

    Hey Girl! My name's Kelly and I also am accepted! Thanks for the info. =) Looking forward to meeting everyone too.
  3. GBCC- Fall 2012 Great Bay applicants...

    I received my acceptance letter as well! And am also looking forward to finally starting nursing school.
  4. Anyone get into LBCC for Fall 2009

    Hey there! I just wanted to ask you about the application process for LBCC. When was the cut-off date? Did you have to have all A's in the pre-reqs? any info you can give me would be much appreciated! kelly
  5. Relocating from California?

    Hey there! I am also relocating from CA to Maine in about 6 weeks. Best of luck of luck to you. Kelly
  6. Anyone starting at NHCTC-Stratham this fall??

    Hi, I'm hoping to go in the fall. I am also moving from a warm climate (CA) to NH for nursing school. Best of luck to you. =) Kelly