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About k8dubcoran

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  1. Drexels ACE clinical locations and advice

    i dont know what i had exactly 'hoped' for. i just thought it seemed a little weird to jump into something like icu and not even have the basics down. i like doing things gradually, i dont like just jumping into something scary and learning it that w...
  2. Drexels ACE clinical locations and advice

    i personally waited until after i knew i passed the nclex before i applied. For one, i wanted some down time, for two, the application process is fairly quick....it doesnt take weeks and weeks to find a job. Some people did it different and had app...
  3. Drexels ACE clinical locations and advice

    I graduated the drexel ACE program. The hospitals i was at were : In NJ - marlton rehab, underwood hospital, virtua hospital in marlton In PA- shriners hospital, Hosp of the Univ of Penn, hahnemann, nazareth hospital, watermark nursing home, 11th st...
  4. Drexel ACE Program??

    Yea you dont need a stellar GPA to get in...i belive mine was 2.95 and it wasnt an issue. they just care that u have ur pre=reqs done
  5. Telemetry question for a VERY new grad

    So today was day 2 of my first job, im the first to admit i came out of school being a slacker and not knowing squat, so im not surprised that i dont know anything. But this question is really bugging me. My patients are all on Telemetry, so why wo...
  6. Drexel ACE Program??

    the website of the place kinda sucks - but they do have a tab that says drexel ace to look at . its centraluniforms.com. the phone number is listed on the page.
  7. Drexel ACE Program??

    hi - i just finished the program. The orientation they will give you your book list - theyll prob send you something a few weeks beforehand about what scrubs to get b/c your lab coat gets your name embroidered and takes a couple weeks. FYI - theyl...
  8. Drexel ACE Program??

    i BELIEVE its somewhere around october? i know i had found out in november that i was definitly in for the following september class. you can contact the school and theyll tell you.
  9. OR Nursing - what are your hours?

    thanks for all your input - i was looking for 3 12's just because of my commute to work parking is about $25 a day so 3 days would be 75 a week but mon -fri is 125. i hate the city! i do like 8's but sometimes once im at work im fine to stay a little...
  10. OR Nursing - what are your hours?

    I have an interview for an OR position this week - i wanted to know what your typical schedule is? I had my heart set on working 3 12 hour shifts - since thats what almost every nurse in our area does ( not OR - i had originally planned on med/surg...
  11. Drexel ACE Program??

    yea. i HATED those scrubs with a passion, FYI if you know anyone thats starting the program that doesnt have a lot of cash our class donated some to the CLRC ( youll learn what that is), i odnt know what sizes or what condition they are in, but they...
  12. Drexel ACE Program??

    no class u wear whatever you wore to college before. jeans, sweats etc. people will prob show up dressy the first 2 weeks trying to make a good impression, but after the exhaustion kicks in and u realize theres no one to impress everyone is in comfy ...
  13. Drexel ACE Program??

    Honestly you could pull off a night of bartending during FIRST quarter, i know some who did, but prob not after, maybe, but i personally dont think i could have done. But yes we all had lives outside of drexel, whether it was working out, or being w...
  14. Drexel ACE BSN Program, anyone?

    Hey im graduating ACE in 2 weeks, if anyone has any questions for me feel free to ask!
  15. Drexel ACE Program??

    Luxor - I am about to graduate ( in 2 weeks!). Yes its hard, yes a lot of people dont make it through the year and yes you will learn ALOT. Im in my young 20's with no young kids so in a way i had it "easy" since there are some people in this with ...