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  1. HFCC - Admission Process

    Oh, I doubt you will have to wait that long. If your done with electives, than look at taking Patho. It will give you a leg up on the material when you take N155 and N221,N222
  2. HFCC - Admission Process

    Thats a hard question to answer nowadays. They used to take about 40, than changed it this year when the implemented a new schedule and they took twice as many. However there are big changes, announcements coming soon, regarding admissions to the pr...
  3. Does anyone know about BSN programs at EMU and Madonna?

    Madonna is a private school and there is no waitlist so you will be looking at roughly $13k for the year. But on the brightside your done in 3yrs with your BSN. If you can get financial aid and you don't want to waste time on a waitlist go for it.
  4. New students: A little bit of information

    I currently hold both licenses. I started out in EMS with the goal of nursing. I maintain my paramedic license by taking a small amount of continuing education credits every three years even though I do not work in that capacity any more. Keeping...
  5. Afraid

    As I said I'm sorry if came across as insensitive. I really understand you when it comes to letting out frustration. My point was instead of letting it get you down, look at it as a situation in school that can give you strength and confidence. I ...
  6. I have found this site to be informative and entertaining. And although I have, for the most part, refrained from posting, after reading some recent posts I just have to say this: School is what you make of it. It can be easy or it can be hard. In th...
  7. Afraid

    Sorry you got a bad grade, but how is it the teachers fault and really, if you know this isn't the forum to complain, do you do it anyway? Look at it this way, If you were an RN and you gave the wrong dose of medication to a patient because of "awa...
  8. HFCC...a lil impatient

    NSG. office said if you were on the list by the end of winter 07 ( end of semester may07) expect to enter Fall 08. They were not sure on the end of spring 07, however, they said at the end of Summer 07, expect a wait of at least 18 months. They al...
  9. Anyone Taking Pharmacology at HFCC?

    I took it last year and I have to say that aside from the teacher, the class was a dissapointment. I expected the material to cover certain subjects in depth, however we just scratched the surface. In fact, the textbook is good for information, but...