Just A Wanderer

Just A Wanderer

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About Just A Wanderer

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  1. Anatomy & Physiology Online or In-Class?

    I took Physio I in-class and then Physio II online, and didn't do so well in both of them. My problem was, I didn't know what to expect. I tried to study everything for the in-class course but the exams were based solely on the instructor's notes. I ...
  2. Is is worth applying for Fall 2013 now?

    Veganlover123, I'm not sure what your chances of getting in are because I'm guessing it depends where exactly you are on the waitlist. My situation is kind of different since there are more seats available in the BScN program compared to the psychiat...
  3. Not having a car during nursing school.

    Not having a vehicle throughout nursing school is doable but, tbh, is extremely challenging. I can get to and from school using public transportation but no matter the time of day, I will not make it to and from school in under an hour (the norm is a...
  4. Do you cry a lot in nursing school?

    I cried the day before starting first semester of nursing school out of anxiety. Schedules, assignments, clinical, socializing... none of these things have brought me to tears... yet!
  5. What books are really necessary for nursing school?

    I know some people who are getting by with just their nursing fundamentals textbook. Everything else they borrow from the library. We've only completed our first year though.
  6. Specialty

    I'm thinking OR. I would love to get a placement in something like that during school. I'm also interested in research.
  7. Hemophilia- X-linked Recessive- Punnet square help!

    ^ I was thinking the same thing since men cannot be carriers, only affected by hemophilia. Although I read somewhere that females can still have hemophilia, albeit it's very rare?
  8. Notes: Laptop, Tablet, or Paper?

    I wish I got a tablet. I would still bring paper and pens though. I'm scared my laptop will get damaged somehow (not to mention it being too heavy... I bring a lot of other stuff to school).
  9. Grant Macewan JAN 2013

    Waiting is the worst! I applied in February and didn't hear back until July so I was convinced my application was going into the reject pile.
  10. Grant Macewan JAN 2013

    I applied pretty "late" for the fall term last year and got accepted in early July, I think. There were two waitlisted students who got offered seats the second day of the semester.
  11. 1st semester expectations

    Depends on what you would consider "hard." I found managing my study/assignment schedule and dealing with different personalities hard.
  12. Bad grades in HS and beginning of college

    ^ I agree. I, too, would suggest taking anatomy and physiology by itself, with no other course because the content is HEAVY. I had to take both classes during first year of nursing school (along with two other classes) and I didn't do so well in phys...
  13. Research and new grad status?

    My class had a guest speaker who is a research nurse, her first job after graduating nursing school. So it's possible! I'm interested in research nursing too and I wish I had asked this guest speaker about her general work history and her school expe...
  14. CNA in 11th grade

    I got accepted into a CNA-type college program a few years ago (prior to nursing school). I didn't follow through with it and I regret my decision! You will gain a lot of useful skills and experience that will definitely help you in nursing school. G...
  15. What was your GPA, when you got accepted into nursing school?

    3.78, I think (based on 24 units).