
llg PhD, RN

Nursing Professional Development

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About llg

llg has 47 years experience as a PhD, RN and specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

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  1. As a previous poster said, this is an age-old problem. Some units are perceived as being "better" than others. When I was in school many years ago, the "glamour unit" was the CCU. In some children's hospitals, the most popular units with stude...
  2. Unable to wear N95 or papr

    The hospital should have announced its policy many months ago. So yes, it was handled badly. But ... if you claim that you have a "disability" which makes it impossible for you to do certain kinds of work, they have every right (and even an oblig...
  3. HELLLLLLLOOOOO, Retirement !

    Hi, Hannahbanana. I finally took the plunge about 6 weeks ago -- retired from my main job at a hospital. I am still doing a little on-line teaching and hope to be able to continue that. Because I sold my home and moved in the same time, I ...
  4. Nursing concept map/ care plans

    Legitimate? How would such a service make money? There are very few people willing to pay someone else to write a care plan for them except for students -- which would mean that anyone who is doing that would be helping the student to cheat. Th...
  5. I agree with DesiDani. If the CNA's hang out around the "staff station," that is great! That means they are there, in the middle of things, aware of what is happening on the unit -- and can easily be found if they are needed. That's much bet...
  6. It really depends on the details. Sometimes, such things are necessary -- and might not be a big deal if the new nurse only being asked to do things that she is capable of doing. That is the key. If the new nurse has been taught certain s...
  7. If I have to leave?

    I certainly hope that this is just a little bump in the road for your parents -- and not a major event. Once the immediate crisis is over, perhaps this incident will stimulate you and your parents to have that difficult conversation that most fa...
  8. There is no way I would consider a commute that long. I don't think it would be safe.
  9. Went to inactive license

    I also graduated in 1977 and am in the process of semi-retiring now. I am still going to teach a little -- so I need to keep my license a while longer. But I will be letting it expire in just a couple of years. I think it will bother me a litt...
  10. Need Help - NonNP jobs

    Can you maybe find a job coordinating a program that relates directly to your previous experience -- not be a manager/administrator of a department, but rather, the coordinator of a specific program or specialty service. Such positions usually requ...
  11. old deaf nurse

    She needs to get hooked up with all of the resources in her area and be pro-active in preventing further loss ... get whatever assistive technology she needs ... arrange for the accommodations she may need ... and make plans for when her hearing dete...
  12. General question

    That is a good question and I am not sure of the answer. You'll need to check 2 things: (1) Will a school accept you into their NP certificate program without an MSN? In the olden days, there were programs that did not require an MSN. Mo...
  13. Quitting Nurse Residency to Start A Different One?

    It's not stupid to want what you want ... but I think it is unlikely you will be selected. While you technically meet the criteria for the residencies that you want, you are not exactly what they have in mind -- and it is likely that in a competiti...
  14. Need some serious new grad advice

    I agree with the other posters. Also, I noticed that you will be working with pediatric patients. Most children's hospitals would greatly value the type of experience that you will be getting. You may never have thought about being a peds nurse,...
  15. ADN vs BSN help

    I think you are doing the appropriate homework to investigate this question and thinking along good lines. Continue to do that and: 1. If you can realistically complete the ADN in 2 years and you will be able to get a good job that you will l...