kathi yudin

kathi yudin

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About kathi yudin

director of nursing in skilled nursing facility .. been in nursing 26 yrs.. going to school for bachleors degree.. divorced mother of 3

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  1. What The Bleep Happened To The Shortage?

    i am in the anaheim area.. where are you going to school??
  2. What The Bleep Happened To The Shortage?

    i am also in california.. orange county to be more specific.. we definitely have a shortage.. i am looking for nurses and all i get are applicants fresh out of nursing school.. or those from foreign countries... i see very few american applicants.. w...
  3. What The Bleep Happened To The Shortage?

    there continues to be a nursing shortage.. unfortunately most hospitals will not look at you until you have a minimun of 6 mo experience.. many ltc facilities also want experience.. it is very expensive to train someone.. it means 2 nurses for 1 job....
  4. Can't find a job as new grad!!!

    as a new grad in 1975.. i SWORE i would NEVER EVER work in one of those big bad nursing homes!!!.. i wanted to be where the action was.. and how sad to be in a nursing home with old people.. and patients/residents that family has forgotten!!.. has my...
  5. Help am New DON FOR LTC

    cape cod mermaid!!.. couldn't agree with you more!!.. and that is exactly what i tell new nurses when they interview as well as the students that i teach..!!.. in ltc we are it.. we have to hone our assessment and critical thinking skills and go with...
  6. i am don at a ltc facility.. our orientation is 30 days.. however.. we have kept new nurses on longer then that.. also.. while they may be off of orientation.. they always have their mentor near them and we don't expect them to know everything for as...
  7. Roles of DON/Nurse Manager

    i am don of a ltc facility in newport beach california.. i am originally from ny.. born and raised!!.. i have a 96 bed facility.. i do admissions.. sign off on the mds's.. do skin rounds weekly.. daily stand up meeting.. wgt meetings.. safety meetin...
  8. Help am New DON FOR LTC

    hi there.. it is not easy to change old ways.. it takes alot of work and alot of reinforcement..i tell my staff to pick a good attitude!!.. i also tell them that they don't have to like me.. take me to lunch.. be my best buddy.. or socialize with me....
  9. Do Nurses Eat Their Young?

    for 4 yr rn.. 30 residents is not unusual for a nursing home.. as a supervisor.. you don't take care of the residents per se.. you supervise the lvn's.. answer phones.. pick up orders.. do some documentation and admissions/discharges.. at least at my...
  10. Do Nurses Eat Their Young?

    as director of nursing at a skilled nursing facility.. i frequently hire new grads.. they are wonderful to teach and are like sponges.. my "older" nurses.. and i use this term lightly as older can be only in the field a yr or two.. forget what it is ...
  11. Poll for RN's: Do you have an ADN or BSN?

    i started w/a adn.. in 1975.. got a bsn in 2004.. only because i wanted it.. am now going for an msn to obtain my gnp.. again because it is something i want.. has nothing to do w/better education or adn vs bsn..has to do with desire for self gratific...
  12. BSN does not mean better... Sometimes education is overrated!

    no insult intended to you.. however.. i do feel that your instructor has insulted every nurse that is working and every student when saying any monkey can be taught to do... we are not monkeys.. we are trained professionals that have gone through yrs...
  13. BSN does not mean better... Sometimes education is overrated!

    i don't believe that it is the degree that makes you a good nurse.. it is common sense and attitude.. i started as a nurses aide.. went to a diploma program and then an adn program back in the 70's when nurses did team nursing and emptied bedpans.. g...
  14. NY State may require nurses to obtain 4-year degrees

    I trained in ny 30 yrs ago at a aas program.. 4 yrs ago i completed my bsn and am currently enrolled in an msn program for my np.. my bsn has not made me a better nurse.. it is the clinical time that makes the nurse.. the book work is great but.. app...
  15. question about psych meds

    many of the medications used for psych are not used for their labeled use.. depakote and that grouping were originally used as antiseizure meds.. they have been found to work well on stabilizing moods and decreasing impulsivity... seroquel.. given at...