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About JenICURN

JenICURN has 1 years experience and specializes in ICU.

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  1. OR patients bypass PACU for ICU

    We're having more and more pts come straight from the OR, especially at night--they'd rather send them to us than staff the PACU adequately! Annoying and a danger to pts, especially since these patients are rarely 1:1.
  2. Moral Issue Question...

    Sometimes, the most moral thing to do is to withdraw care. When you've got a patient who's on the max amount of pressors, high-level vent support, continuous dialysis...when all of their organs have shut down, and the only thing keeping their body a...
  3. Question about ages in the NICU and PICU

    Just out of curiousity, do you know what happens with babies that were born out of the hospital (homebirth, in the car on the way to hospital, etc)?
  4. Nurse with bipolar disorder or adhd?

    I'm not sure what kind of action could be taken against a nurse with bipolar or ADHD--mind talking about what you've gone through? For the record, I have bipolar and OCD.