

critical care,flight nursing

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About phiposurde

phiposurde has 9 years experience and specializes in critical care,flight nursing.

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  1. NG in little ones

  2. NG in little ones

    I finally got my first mission. It was a month old baby with possible obstruction. At the sending hospital before transport I try to insert an NG but there was resistance and I sure didn't want to do any damage. Any trick of the trade? Do we have to ...
  3. What is your ER like?

    Back home ( Montreal), when i use to work there it was nightmare. My understanding is that it didn't improved. Minimal stay in the ER before admitting was almost 2 days I even saw one staying 6 days. I remember , she Had bed sore cause we were to bu...
  4. How do you treat Meth OD?

    **** I went to a talk once give by a toxicologist and He was saying that paralyzing can become mandatory if we can't control the temperature!!
  5. IV tips

    Oh No. It was going in direction of the heart but is arm was flex( hand toward the head) and no way we could undo that. So I had to stand up and start the IV that way.Sorry for the scare!!8)
  6. IV tips

    A few trick. First get use to the IV cath your using. Some of them require different technique. After a few years working with the one we use I came out with some little trick to make it better. But that is IV specific. -BP cuff at 100. You would be...
  7. Best ways to deal with the stress?

    I always say;" nursing is not a job but a way of life!" You know people in office the get out and they become regular people, nurse not so much. I remember when I use to work night shift and was in the ER I would dream of taking care of a vent patien...
  8. What's your average nurse to patient ratio?

    4:1 none acute. 3:1 acute side. WE also have a "float nurse" there to relieve us during break. So unless she is in the trauma room, she's also helping.
  9. Neonatal Flight Nursing

    Well couldn't find too much info, but we have a dedicated team at my center. Here a web page with some info. I'm sure you could get to talk to someone that would give you info. They actually get an advanced training to be on the team. http://www.calg...
  10. PDA in the ER

    I found that one:
  11. shifting priorities

    let's say I get patient A, a chest pain with a positive history, has had two ntg, an IV, and NTP placed to chest en route via EMS; pressure is now a 4/10. While I am converting his IV to ours/attempting to draw labs from said site, the tech is gettin...
  12. shifting priorities

    I believe there not just one answer, it depends. I guess if we would have to come with basic rule: 1) Have a quick assessment( do they look sick vs none sick?) 2) always try to find ways to multi task and delegate task. ( Is there someone else that c...
  13. Cen Exam Question?!?!

    **** Will be, starting in August. I'm at the new base in Grande Prairie,AB.
  14. Cen Exam Question?!?!

    *** The canadian never get special thanks!!!LOL:lol2:
  15. Good book recommendations?

    Depends the amount you are ready to pay. There of course the 3 tome encyclopedia on emergency medicine. But last year, I bought a good book that is concise and review most treatment and disease. I like it cause it separate the content by complaint an...