ER/EHR Trainer

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MAISY, RN-ER has 6 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in ER/EHR Trainer.

Married, Mother

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    Comfort or death?

    Anything that allows someone to pass in comfort is a good thing....they wouldn't need comfort care if they weren't going to die. Medications are not given to kill someone-I am not sure where you are working or how this has been presented to you but...

    The Theorist Martha Rogers

    Picked Martha Rogers for a presentation to teach for my graduate class....wanted to kill myself! Actually, finding information (that is understandable and basic) is very difficult on this theorist. Fawcett has a book which breaks down all of the the...

    Patient fx hip after family refused alarm

    Since we really didn't have a lot of information-I will blame the nursing home. The admission nurse documented family informed consent and refusal. An automatic trigger should go off under these circumstances in which the nursing home must has a ba...

    Healthcare is NOT a basic human right.

    The OP states that their belief is that healthcare is not a human right..... A nurse in her early 50's has been injured repeatedly during her career. One day she cannot is found that she multiple disc injuries which will not allow her to...

    Patients on Medicaid

    I can't even believe this thread is still viable..... It's been four years since I posted on this thread.... The reality is RUDENESS is not tied to poor people! ENTITLEMENT seems to run rampant regardless of socioeconomic status! And, most importa...

    Are online ANP degrees destroying our credibility?

    Georgetown's program is online learning; however involves set classroom time-you must be on the webcam and attend the class like all of the on-campus students. Online learning is hard and in my school there are no papers or tests that can be submit...

    Are online ANP degrees destroying our credibility?

    In case there are PAs or medical students perusing this site, I will also add that working in a teaching hospital truly opens your eyes to the standards (or lack thereof) by which all are oriented, precepted, or learn. As a nurse in a critical care ...
  8. Look for an internship or externship at your local hospitals NOW!!!! Although you will be graduating, this may give you an edge as this is usually 3mos of paid training (not at an RN rate). Normally, this is something you could've done during your s...
  9. I know you are in school and they are still preaching about the nursing shortage, but it does not exist in NJ! I know of nurses who can't find work who are experienced much less all of the new graduates who are leaving colleges every semester in sea...
  10. MAISY, RN-ER

    Are online ANP degrees destroying our credibility?

    " I wonder if this is something that will change with more prestigious and recognizable schools like Georgetown starting to churn out outline grads?" As someone who has taken graduate level classes at a private college, I can say without a doubt my c...
  11. MAISY, RN-ER

    Not hired if you smoke?

    Also work on a non-smoking campus; have smoked in my life-but was always cognizant of others and did not smoke around non-smokers. Glad I haven't smoked for a very looooooong time. That being said..... Smoking and so many other things are bad..... D...
  12. MAISY, RN-ER

    Dealing With Insurbordinate/Arrogant Co-Workers

    While the RN has to answer for having the task done, the ancillary staff is to help facilitate getting it done. In the ER, clinical technicians positions are to do ekg, phlebotomy, and assist with patient care. If this person does not want to perfo...
  13. MAISY, RN-ER

    Dealing With Insurbordinate/Arrogant Co-Workers

    Ancillary staff answer to you....plain and simple. Write him up as many times as it takes; refuse him as your staff member; report him to patient safety or risk management. That attitude, behavior and his actions are dangerous in any unit much les...
  14. MAISY, RN-ER

    I know there's a job shortage BUT...

    I'd like to believe it was just who they know, but it's obvious when I look at the new hires in my ER and they are all young with BSN's to boot! If you have a younger person, they are still so unsure of themselves: they don't question authority, the...
  15. MAISY, RN-ER

    Nurses' image set back 100 years

    Everyone is going to block colors, because they can! It's an employer's market and color coding is more recognizeable to the patient. HOWEVER, I will say your bargaining unit should then push for everyone else to be out of scrubs! They tried this i...